
What are digital marketing services?

Digital Marketing services : As people gain more access to the Internet and its growing trend, so does marketing. Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place at the right time. Today, you have to target people who spend their time on the Internet. So offline marketing is no longer as effective as it used to be, and you have to take a new approach to digital marketing services.

What is Digital Marketing?

The term digital marketing has been referred to as a subset of marketing management and advertising management.

Neil Patel, who, according to Forbes magazine, is one of the top 10 digital marketers in the world, answers this question as follows:

Digital marketing is any type of marketing of products and services that is done through electronic devices.

Definition of Digital Marketing services

In other words, instead of providing a direct definition, it is better to know all of those techniques and tools that fall under the heading of digital marketing campaign.

Digital marketing includes all tools and activities used to market products and services in the digital context (web, Internet, mobile, or other digital marketing services).

Digital marketing tools or digital marketing services

The following are examples of digital marketing services that are expected to be dominated by a digital marketer:

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM) [Including Organic and Purchased Traffic]
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Content Marketing
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Strategy
  • Click-through ads (PPC)
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Banner Advertising and Native Advertising
  • e-mail marketing
  • Mobile marketing (or its old term: mobile advertising)
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Content production
  • Digital Viral Marketing

The list of digital marketing services sometimes includes targeted and customized advertising and Native Advertising.

But since these two titles are practically more pervasive and not all-inclusive (they can cover other options), we did not list them above.

1. Content Marketing


Digital content marketing is one of the best branches of digital marketing. Businesses usually market their products, services, or brands. By content marketing, you focus on enhancing your value through relevant and valuable content. Content marketing leads to results, increased trust, and brand awareness.

By publishing quality content, you introduce yourself as a reference in your field. Great content is also likely to be shared and referenced, increasing your reputation among customers and industry professionals.

In other words, content marketing is all about creating the content that your audience wants to see to influence their purchasing decisions, So good content should be the foundation of your digital marketing strategy.

Content marketing encompasses many different types of content. Blogs, videos, social media posts, e-books, brochures, infographics, case studies, etc., are all examples of popular types of content on the web.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

More than 90% of people’s online experiences start with a simple online search through search engines like Google for research, shopping, and entertainment.

When people look for products or services, they tend to go with anyone who ranks higher. With SEO, you can rank on the search engine results page (like Google) for your most relevant keywords and, in this way, reach a large number of potential buyers or consumers. Optimize your website with On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO and local seo solutions.

3. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)


Search engine marketing (or SEM) is often confused with SEO because both have similar titles. Both also deal with search engines like Google or Bing.

SEO helps marketers rank organically for their target keywords, while SEM helps increase website traffic through paid search engine advertising; That way, you have to pay for every click you get. The two most common SEM services are Bing Ads and Google AdWords.

4. Email Marketing of digital marketing services

email marketing strategy also can support other marketing goals, So it’s no surprise that 73% of B2B marketers say that email is their primary tool for generating leads and revenue.

Beyond generating leads and revenue, email has expanded to reach 3.9 billion users in 2020 and is expected to grow to 4.3 billion users in 2023, More than half the world’s population! For almost every $ 1 spent on email marketing, you can expect a $ 42 return on investment.

A collection of emails sent to customers helps build a relationship and building trust with them and, in many cases, leads to a purchase.

To make the most of this marketing channel, make a list of important events and days ahead and give your audience excellent suggestions.

5. Pay Per Click Advertising


Pay Per Click or PPC is a unique advertising model in which you only pay for the number of clicks you receive on your ad. As a result, the cost of your ads is commensurate with the total number of clicks users have placed on your ad. Due to this, the more clicks, the higher the cost. In click-through advertising, you receive clicks and pay according to the click-through price you set and in proportion to the budget, you set for your advertising.

When applied to SERP ads, PPC is under the umbrella of search engine marketing (SEM). Still, it can also spread to affiliate marketing (which we explain below) and advertising on other popular sites.

6. Network Marketing

Social Media Marketing (SMM), as its name implies, is all about using the power of content on these networks to market your business. Social media has dominated digital media over the past decade, attracting millions or even billions of users worldwide. Social media makes them a valuable source of increased traffic.

A successful social media marketing campaign is to create shareable (perhaps even viral) content. You can share your product or service posts directly in your profile or add social media sharing buttons to your website.

7. Marketing Automation


Marketing automation refers to software or programs that automate your core digital marketing services. Many marketing departments can automate repetitive tasks with types of web development that you would otherwise do manually .

8. Sponsored Content of digital marketing services

With sponsored content, you as a brand pay money to another company or entity to create and promote content that promotes your brand or service. One of the most popular types of sponsored content is Influencer Marketing. With this type of sponsored content, a brand supports an influencer in their industry to post company-related posts or videos on social media.

9. Online PR


To better understand public relations online, it can be compared to traditional public relations.

Online PR is the practice of covering online content with digital publications, blogs, and other content-based websites. Online PR is very similar to traditional PR but online.

The online world allows you to connect with different people on social networks without paying any money. Analyze your site with the help of customer analytics tools. Please find out why you should not buy them and make the necessary changes in your marketing campaigns.

10. Inbound Marketing

Introverted marketing is a way to grow your organization by building meaningful and lasting relationships with consumers, and potential customers. This method is about valuing and empowering customers to lead you to your marketing goals ultimately. Do not forget that you succeed when your customers succeed in something like shopping.

Introverted marketing consists of three steps:

  1. Attract: Attract the right people by publishing helpful content and providing valuable solutions and conversations that introduce you as a trusted consultant who wants to interact with people.
  2. Interaction: Provide insights and solutions that lead more people to buy.
  3. Support: Provide help and support to empower your customers to succeed in their purchases.

11. Affiliate Marketing


Affiliate marketing is one of the most lucrative types of digital marketing services, which involves partnering with an online retailer where you receive a commission for each sale or referral you enter. Affiliate Marketing will refer your products or services to a broader network of audiences through websites, social media platforms, blogs, or newsletters.

12. Mobile Marketing

The number of mobile phone users is increasing day by day, and this trend is expected to continue in the coming years. Smartphone users also spend 90 percent of their time using apps and games on their handsets, making mobile apps a lucrative marketing channel.

For this reason, it makes sense to offer promotional content only to mobile users. The customer experience can also be continuously improved, thanks to geolocation strategies that use mobile location information to make it easier for users to access products or digital marketing services.

Are the terms digital marketing and digital advertising synonymous?

The two terms are different, and the difference between the two areas is similar to the difference between advertising and marketing.

When we talk about digital marketing services, we mean understanding the market using digital tools and solving the problems and needs of the market through product design and supply. When we talk about digital advertising, it is assumed that we have a specific product, and we want to convey our message to the audience using digital tools.

Digital Marketing Services with DigiWare

The issues surrounding digital marketing are so broad that not all aspects of a single article can be covered in detail; However, in this article, we tried to acquaint you, with the principles and branches of digital marketing and some of its topics. I hope you have gained good information about this topic by reading digital marketing services article. If you have any questions, share them with us in the comments section.


What Is The App Development?

With the advancement of technology every day, there are many different ways to application development. Tools like React Native and Flutter have provided us with many possibilities and have implemented new practices for developing applications and software development.

Why is so much talk about mobile app development in IT?

Mobile is the future of everything! From business to medicine, from the gaming world to every service we can imagine. Mobile app development conquers all industries.

In 2018, over 70% of web traffic was from mobile phones. Whereas in the previous year, in 2017, this number was 57%. No wonder mobile app development has taken a significant place for itself. In 2021, the world’s financial turnover of mobile apps was 3.6 trillion dollars, expected to increase to 188 billion dollars.

We look at the world of mobile app developers to get acquainted with its concept, discuss its importance, and see how the mobile app developer does their job.

What is mobile app development?

Mobile app development is writing software that works on mobile devices, including phones, tablets, and wearables. This concept goes beyond coding, including the strategic process of defining, designing, building, launching, or introducing a successful mobile product.

The ultimate goal is software that utilizes mobile hardware. New smartphones can use virtual reality, barcode scanning, and other mobile apps. you can check the make an app article.

What are the types of mobile applications?

Mobile app developers design a variety of native, hybrid, and HTML5 apps. Apps are now one of the most efficient parts of the business. 

1- Native Application

Native applications for a specific platform, such as Android or Ios development, are written using the software and language development tools that these platforms support. IOS uses Xcode and Objective-C, and Android uses Eclipses and Java. Developers often prefer the native app because of its ability to take full advantage of the phone.

As intelligent home tools become more widely used, developers are creating custom apps to create personalized experiences with wearables stuff, Internet of Things sensors, and bright screens. Of course, development for any platform is a costly and time-consuming process that does not fit the needs of all businesses.


2- HTML5 applications

These apps have a Write once, run anywhere (WORA) approach based on almost universal standards in web technology such as JavaScript and CSS. The apps in this framework are compatible with many platforms and require minor changes to integrate with any operating system.

HTML apps can send notifications to the desktop and communicate two-way via email. We should note that users use more native apps. Research has shown that users spend 90% of their time on mobile app development and 10% on search engines.


3- Hybrid Applications

Hybrid apps work like native apps and use standard web technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Hybrid applications cost less and are faster to produce than native applications.


4- Software Development Kits

Mobile app development requires access to software development kits (SDKs) to provide a simulated mobile environment for programmers. You do not need to use these kits fully to produce applications.

For example, mobile app developers can build mobile games using Unity and then the Android SDK to make sure they can be transferred to a mobile phone. App development for iOS requires a polite iOS development certificate, while the Android SDK is free for users. check the game programming

IOS and Android have a similar share of the mobile market. IOS 47% and Android 52%. But software development is easier for Apple, as there is no need to worry about the wide range of mobile phone models from different manufacturers.


5- Progressive Web Apps (PWA)


A progressive web application is a website that behaves like a mobile app. These apps are developed with web technologies, such as Facebook React. The advanced web application is adaptable and has a notification feature.

You can search These apps in the search engine.

6- Flutter

While Flutter’s development method is similar to React Native, Flutter does not use the JavaScript execution environment. On the contrary, Flutter tries to run everything in the form of native code, which ultimately makes the application’s performance much higher and takes less time to run.

The Basic App Development Process

Process-Of-Developing-a-Mobile app development

Apart from what app development is considered, the app development process will have several stages. We will do the work faster and more efficiently by dividing this process into different stages.

1- Idea of app development: In the time of brainstorming, to gather the idea of the app, take time to research and answer a few questions.

  • What problem is this application supposed to solve?
  • Who is the target audience?
  • What are the competitors, and what are their characteristics?

2- Design: The next step is to design the user interface (UI). The User should be able to work with the application efficiently.

3- Development: App codes are written and developed in this app development stage. An initial test is also performed.

4- Testing app development: Testing the application will determine the quality and possible defects, and the list of items that need improvement will be clarified.

5- Launch or product presentation: If the bug is not seen in the app and is ready to be presented, it will be presented in markets such as the App Store and Google Play.

6- Marketing: A marketing strategy is necessary to open the way for users to download the app. Such a strategy helps pave the way for user engagement by receiving feedback.

Tips on App Marketing


You should know that android app development is not something you can give up on to improve automatically. You should constantly monitor the number of downloads of the application by users and the overall performance of your application.

Once your app becomes an app store, it’s time to focus on improving your app marketing.
You can communicate with experts and critics of the application field, ask them to talk about your app development and its features, and give their opinion.

You can also offer free trial courses to users or even a percentage discount from the regular price. Additionally, you should write a brief and helpful description of what your app does in the app description section of the Play Store or other app download stores.

The essential points that you should observe in writing the description or About this app development section in the Play Store are:

  • The text tone in the application’s description should be understandable and simple for all users at any level of technical knowledge.
  • Avoid writing very long and tedious texts.
  • Determine who your target market is.
  • In each version of the update and development, identify the application’s new features.

App Development with digiware marketing

While mobile phone use is rising, many manufacturing, service, and entertainment businesses have turned to app development.

In this article of digiware marketing, you read what mobile app development is, the types of mobile app development methods, and finally, the development process.


Best Benefits Of SEO

Here we have a list of the benefits of seo that will blow your mind. Most businesses use the Internet and make it one of the essential pillars of their marketing. These SEO benefits should cover the need to acquire Traditional and online work more than before.

Every business should invest in search engine optimization. One of the benefits of optimization and SEO is optimizing your website to maximize organic traffic from search engines, leading search engines like Google, YouTube, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

Advantages of Seo and how does seo help?

This article is a warning to all people who do not have an effective SEO strategy you will make a big mistake by not taking advantage of all the benefits of seo.

If your website is not optimized for search engines, you will lose a lot of profit daily.

Why do we need SEO?

If it were not for SEO, it would be almost impossible to find the websites and businesses we are looking for on the Internet, and we would not be able to find the information we get daily. SEO services helps people find the information they want in a few seconds.

Is SEO vital for all businesses?

If you are reading this article, you are probably wondering if SEO works for you or not. In answer, we should say that SEO is important for you if you have a website for your business. Because for all companies, whether big or small, SEO is one of the most critical factors to success.

What are the benefits of SEO that make it so popular?


More than 2 billion people are online, 93% of online activity is done on search engines, and website entries are through it, 40,000 searches per second and 3.5 billion per day.

There are millions of opportunities to find your services and business in search engines, one of the most important benefits of SEO is that your customers use search engines daily, which is one of the advantages and benefits of SEO.

How important is seo to a business

Users trust search engines. That’s why a high rank in a search engine like Google gives the searchers this signal that your site is a reliable source, and the higher you are on the pages, the more clicks and traffic you can get for the site and business.

All the advantages and benefits of SEO that are so important for business:

SEO has many advantages and benefits that have caused most companies to move in this direction. In the following, we will introduce you to the benefits of SEO and what are the benefits of search engine optimization:

1- increasing the quality of targeted traffic

One of the benefits of seo: Traffic in search engines is the best input to the site. Why? Because people are looking for a specific topic on the Internet, which can only be solved using search engines, you can drive traffic to your services and business. You don’t need to spend a lot of advertising to encourage people to buy.

2- The most conversion rate is in SEO

SEO traffic has a higher conversion rate than other traffic sources. You will develop your business position by positioning yourself in search engines to get more conversion rates.

3- SEO will increase sales and leads


providing the right product or satisfactory service can increase your sales. You should invest in the best SEO strategy. Your business will be on the path to higher conversion rates with the correct SEO choice.

4- SEO will reduce your cost for any business

Another benefits of seo is that it is “free,” and getting customers is much cheaper than advertising. The only cost in SEO is hiring the best SEO company if you have no experience in website coding and Google algorithms. You need a person or company with the necessary search engine optimization expertise.

5- SEO does not include any advertising costs

You won’t need to advertise if you have a strong SEO position. You can increase your website traffic without paying for each click.

An effective SEO strategy can save advertising costs and put it in the field.

6- Top ranks have no time limit

One of the benefits of seo: SEO is 24/7 and has no time limit; your rankings don’t disappear overnight, and you can increase your website traffic daily. When you rank high in search engines, so does your website traffic will increase.

7- SEO builds trust and credibility

People trust Google, they use it every day to find what they want, and with a high search engine ranking, your business builds trust and credibility with its audience. 37% of search engine clicks are on the first organic listing.

Most of the credibility of the pages comes from external linking, you can refer to the off page Seo checklist

8- SEO is a long-term strategy



SEO is a long-term strategy, it can take 6-12 months to see optimized rankings, but it only takes time to climb them. Once you are in top positions, you rarely go down. The only reason for this change is increased SEO competition or a change in Google’s algorithm.

9- Increases your customer information

One of the benefits of seo: Your customers use search engines for research; they use their findings to help them make informed decisions about available options. High SEO rankings allow you to educate potential customers, indirectly build trust, and, most importantly, help them make an informed decision.

10- SEO influences buyers’ decisions

SEO significantly influences buyers’ decisions due to the trust and credibility developed, as mentioned in the previous point. Use site SEO to substantially impact people’s purchasing decisions on the website to increase the conversion rate.

11- SEO increases the awareness and quality of your brand

One of the benefits of seo: SEO also builds your business brand. SEO helps people become aware of your brand. Understanding is fundamental because your website visitors may not always be ready to buy. However, by knowing about your offers, they may become your customers soon.

12- Raises or touches Jupiter

While your awareness is growing, SEO simultaneously increases your customer leads. The more traffic you get, the more likely they will buy from your business. A strong SEO ranking will help you grow your touch points with potential buyers.

13- SEO gets 90% more clicks than PPC

One of the benefits of seo: because organic SEO listings get 90% of the clicks. Many search engine users skip advertising links because it is most likely due to their trust in Google’s algorithm. Investing in SEO will probably get more traffic than advertisers on the exact keywords.

14- Seo can increase traffic to your website


One of the benefits of seo: SEO will increase your website traffic and get more traffic from search engines. Additionally, visitors are more likely to refer your website to their friends. With a strong SEO presence, they will refer to you, literally and figuratively.

15- SEO is measurable

The benefits of seo is Measurable SEO. You can measure your conversion rate and conversion source. 

You can also measure the progress of your website ranking and organic traffic. You can check your valuable keywords using the right (SEO) tools.

16- Drives offline sales

Do your customers do their research online before visiting your store? Yes, they do! Since most people do their research online, SEO also drives offline sales. They use search engines to research, but they may use your store to buy their products. Call and make a purchase. So, SEO helps offline sales a lot.

17- SEO is more cost-effective than advertising

Benefits of seo that SEO is more cost-effective than Google Ads. After reaching the top rank of search engines, you no longer have to pay for clicks from search engines (Google AdWords). Pause your ad campaigns with PPC and let them get more SEO ranking results.

18- SEO helps you gain market share

Gain market share by being first. Customers will never know about hundreds of other options if you are the first option. Unless, in some cases, they move to page 10 of Google. However, we know this will not happen. Why? Because 75% of users will never go beyond the first page of search results.

19- SEO helps you enter new markets


After optimizing your website, you can start targeting your website for other keywords. The keywords you choose can be new products or services you offer. To help you enter new markets, you can rely on search engines to drive qualified traffic to your latest offerings.

20- Increases the value of your business

As your SEO rankings increase, your business becomes more valuable. Suppose you’re in the market to sell your business. In that case, many buyers find a strong SEO ranking to be a valuable intangible asset which is likely because SEO rankings have maintained value and stability over the years.

21- SEO integrates all of your online marketing activities

Benefits of seo is that SEO is online marketing. All online marketing activities can somehow contribute to your SEO ranking. Web design, content marketing, social media services, and online advertising influence SEO. 

22- SEO improves your marketing ROI

As mentioned earlier, an integrated marketing campaign affects SEO rankings. Not only will this affect your SEO ranking, but your overall ROI will be higher than all your marketing activities.

23- SEO is the best page rank strategy

To rank high in search engines, you must have quality backlinks. Backlinks are links from external websites that link to your website, the more of these you have, and the more relevant your website is, the higher it will rank. Getting quality links may require advertising. The more ads you have, the more backlink opportunities you will have.

  • External SEO increases the credibility of your site with Google, and one of the main reasons and factors for improving external SEO is linking and backlink. A backlink (linking on an external site) from the point of view of Google search engines is the credibility of that site, and Even if there are more and more quality links on foreign sites, they will have a higher rank in the Google search engine.

24- Increase your social media followers


benefits of seo: SEO will increase your social media followers. Since your visitors are researching your website, they are more likely to follow you on social media.

25- SEO will increase your email newsletter subscribers

You can expect more subscribers as your rankings increase if you have an e-newsletter signup form on your website. Because you are exposing your website to more and more traffic. Create incentives on your website for people who subscribe to your email newsletter for optimal results.

26- SEO can double, triple, or quadruple your business

One of the significant benefits of SEO, search engines can double, triple, or quadruple your business. SEO exposes you to the entire market of people looking to find you. With an effective SEO strategy, you can expand your business in cities, provinces, countries, or other parts of the world. The world will become your customers with an effective site optimization strategy.

27- benefits of seo; SEO can help you attract talent

Job seekers also start their search on Google. You can optimize your website to rank on Google for the positions you create for them by investing in a strategy to avoid buying costs.


28- SEO is affordable

Search engines are more cost-effective than advertising to increase your conversion rate. the payoff is worth it once your website ranks number one on Google. It will get thousands of free hits to your website.

29- SEO is the most intelligent marketing investment you can make

The benefits of SEO are endless. SEO is the most intelligent marketing investment you can make. It’s a long-term asset to your business, drives traffic, leads, and sales, and doesn’t require advertising. Your customers are already searching for it on search engines like Google. If you want to grow your business without calling, networking, or other forms of advertising, invest in an SEO campaign today.

Google ads: Google Advertising Methods and search engine advertising are essential topics in the business world. Each person has created a unique business according to their abilities.

Why Is Seo Important

Today, there are many opportunities to achieve the goal on the Internet. SEO is one of these things that has many advantages. You can say that due to the advantages and benefits of SEO, SEO reduces advertising costs and forgets about traditional marketing methods. These benefits of search engine marketing are very important for business and bring many benefits to businesses.



What are The Best Local Seo Solutions?

Are you worried about your competitors outranking you in local search results? This problem is the intellectual concern of many organizations, But there are local seo solutions to solve it.

In recent years, local SEO or Seo Services has changed how customers find online businesses in their cities. Nowadays, there are many ways to increase your chances of being seen and boost your local reputation simultaneously. Stay with us if you are ready to grow your business in 2022 and know more about local seo solutions.

How Does Local Seo Work?

Local SEO is an essential branch of SEO education. Local search can improve the overall business situation. According to statistics, if you have an online store, about 50% of local searches in your area will eventually lead to a visit to your store’s website. Almost 18% of these people also buy from the site.

In other words, businesses with robust local SEO strategies can be much more powerful than their competitors.

What is local SEO optimization?

Local SEO is one of the critical topics that are discussed in SEO training. The search engine will show you the address and information about the companies in your search field and the highest search results.

In short, the sum of activities that connect different businesses to company names is called local optimization for Google or local SEO.

How long does local seo take?

Analysis: significant local rankings can be gained within 3-6 months. Interestingly, the results don’t differ too much from a scenario where a client has NO website.

Local SEO has a different pattern

According to research by Google, users looking for local businesses want the ones closest to them. For this reason, Google used a local search algorithm with a proximity factor to give a suitable answer to users who perform local searches based on their location.

For example, if a user searches about restaurants near his workplace, the list you get in the SERP will be different from the exact search from his home. In the past, site optimization was usually sufficient when the number of mobile phone users was not high, and most users used desktop computers to perform searches.

But today, due to the growth of mobile phone users, doing local SEO has become very important for the success of businesses.

Doing local SEO and site optimization is time-consuming and requires skill and knowledge. If you do not have enough skills in this field, it is better to hire a reputable website design company to get the highest quality. With its professional staff, Digiwaremarketing accepts orders for site optimization and local SEO and website design for various businesses.

Search engine algorithm: It must have happened to you to look for the nearest store, hospital, restaurant. Since Google’s goal is to provide the best results to users and to satisfy them as much as possible, it has presented the Pigeon algorithm.

How to improve search engine optimization?



In addition to the methods mentioned above to improve local SEO, you may still need strategies for local search rankings.

  • Create a Google business account

Optimizing your Google listing is perhaps the most effective way to rank higher on Google Maps and gain more visibility in local search results. To make these local seo solutions, you must have access to your business profile. So you need a Google Business Account.

When you create a Google business account, Google will display the information you enter on your business profile and Google Maps.

Enter the following information correctly in your Google business account:

  1. Full name of your business
  2. The address of your store or business office
  3. Your exact location on the map
  4. Categorize your business
  5. Your phone number and website address link

You can further optimize your business account by making updates. Creating a Google business account will help you gain more visibility in local seo solutions and increase your user interaction.

  • Create an “About Us” page and specific “Locations” 

Use location pages if you have a business with multiple branches in the same area. Provide the following information to your users on these pages:

  1. Name, address, and contact number
  2. Hours of work
  3. Individual descriptions

Google maps seo are attached to each location page. Make sure to have unique content for each landing page. Creating an “About Us” page that focuses on local topics is enough if you only have one location.

Local SEO tricks – local seo solutions

This article from Digiware describes 6 local SEO tricks essential for your online business.

1. local seo solutions; Take online reviews seriously


Customer reviews have a significant impact on people’s purchasing decisions. Additionally, these reviews will help your business’ reputation in the community.
Also, comments help your local search engine rankings. That’s why you should collect as many comments as possible.

Ask each customer to share their experience with you. It is also vital to include these comments and reviews in your social network account and website.

2. local seo solutions; Build quality links

From Google’s point of view, authentic links to local organizations and other business resources are very positive. Add these links to your site and get a higher ranking in return.

Quality local links tell Google that you are a trustworthy business. Once your site is indexed, there’s a good chance you’ll rank higher in local searches.

It is a good idea to create a link strategy for your site. If you need help in this area, you can get help from people who are professionals in the field of local business.

3. local seo solutions; Build a robust Google My Business listing


Your local SEO strategy should include a Google My Business listing. Once you’ve done this, you can manage your business’s online presence through Google.
Google My Business is a free service, and you can do it yourself. All you have to do is enter your business information.

Don’t forget to add photos of your business and make updates about new locations and news about your workplace because This will help improve your ranking.

4. local seo solutions; Optimize your content

Your website content must be of high quality. Also, you should optimize your content for local search.
Adding keywords related to your products and services along with geo-targeting. For example, “record store in Seattle” is an excellent local keyword phrase.

Use Google Adwords to find the most searched terms. Then, properly incorporate them into your content.

5. local seo solutions; Add landing pages for a specific location


Another way to use content to your advantage is to create landing pages focusing on one niche. Adding these landing pages to your site will increase your chances of local exposure.

It is best if these pages talk about your products and services or if the page has specific geography and is an excellent technique if your business has multiple landing pages. Remember to add a Google maps seo to each page.

6. local seo solutions; Responsiveness

Today, many users use their mobile phones to search the Internet.
According to reports, about 82% of users use their mobile phones for local searches. Therefore, businesses must pay attention to this volume of users by optimizing their website design for mobile phones.

Responsive website design means that your website can be easily viewed on any device, such as mobile phones or tablets. Many mobile phone users call immediately after searching.
Therefore, add click-to-call buttons to your Google business account and website design.

Why Is Local SEO Important?

Why-Is-Local-SEO-Important- local seo solutions

Local seo solutions is essential. Different businesses can increase their online visibility and get more quality traffic by doing local SEO. Attracting more traffic can lead to more conversion and sales opportunities for businesses. Local SEO businesses can gain more credibility and trust from users.

How much does local seo cost?

local seo solutions can help a lot in the development of different businesses. Typical local SEO campaigns cost between $300 and $2,000 per month depending on your businesses needs, your competition, and your geographic location.

Striving to be seen in online search by local customers

Local SEO solutions is essential for small businesses and gives them the power to compete with big brands and get their traffic. Many users do local searches.

Doing local SEO will make your website design more visible in local searches. On the other hand, local SEO allows users to find your website design, services, and products more efficiently. Doing local SEO has several techniques.

To increase your chances of being seen by local customers, you need to improve your local seo solutions with the Best local seo marketing company.
Use the tricks mentioned above so that the people you care about can find you online.



What Are The Main Search Engine Algorithms? (7 algorithm )

One thing that comes up in SEO is the search engine algorithm, which essentially shows the behavior of the Google search engine. Google’s algorithms or SEO algorithms
make this search engine more brilliant day by day, and in simpler terms, these algorithms identify errors and points awarded to sites.

Optimizing your site according to search engine algorithm is better for your SEO to succeed. Stay with us in this article to fully explain Google algorithms.

Google Algorithms –  what are SEO algorithms?

In this article, we intend to give you information about Google’s algorithms. If you are aware of the goals and behind the scenes of this search engine’s performance, you can determine your site’s strategies more accurately and plan for its optimization. Stay with us to get detailed information about search engine algorithm.

What is the purpose of Google?

The most used and popular search engine among users is Google, which provides many features to users. The goal of this search engine is simple: “providing the best and most relevant answers to users in the shortest possible time.” algorithms need to be designed and modified continuously. 

How does google’s algorithm work

Search engine algorithm are a set of instructions to achieve a specific goal. Likewise, search engine algorithm are guidelines for analyzing websites and improving the results that can be presented to users.

Algorithms serve two primary purposes:

  1. Identifying low-quality and spam sites and reducing their rank
  2. Identifying valuable and useful sites and increasing their ranking

Get to know search Engine Algorithm better

Search engine algorithm are divided into two categories. The main algorithms are part of the central core of the Google search engine, and Google’s side algorithms are used to identify low-quality sites and improve search results.

This article will introduce some essential search engine algorithm and how many google algorithms are there.

    • Google Panda Algorithm


The Google Panda algorithm was created to evaluate the quality of web page content and gives each page a quality score, which is used as one of the ranking factors. The first version of the Panda algorithm was introduced on February 23, 2011. And the next day, Google explained it by publishing a blog post.

According to that post, Panda’s algorithm significantly improved at the time as it influenced 11.8% of search results. 

Google created search engine algorithm to reduce the ranking of sites whose content is not helpful and valuable for the user or copied from other websites. And on the other hand, it improves the ranking of sites with high-quality and helpful content. google panda effects on page seo. so check the on page seo checklist

The things that this algorithm checks are:

  •  Duplicate content
  •  Content copied or aggregated from other websites
  •  Short or sparse content
  •  User-generated spam
  •  Keyword overuse
  •  Poor user experience (UX)

Optimization for pandas algorithm

Check the site for duplicate content: This is one of the most common triggers for the Panda algorithm. Therefore, we recommend checking the site’s content regularly to ensure no such problem. If you cannot remove duplicate pages for valid reasons, use 301 redirect or canonical tag. Another solution is to block those pages with a txt file or noindex metatag.

Check the content for duplicates: Another driver of the Panda algorithm is external duplicate content or copied from other websites.

Avoid creating pages with little content: This means pages whose content includes few words and a lot of advertisements and links and gives little information to the user. Of course, it is essential to note that the number of appropriate words for each content depends on the purpose of that page and the keyword intended for it.

Check your site for excessive use of keywords: Over-optimizing a page for a keyword reduces the quality and readability of the content.

Fix the detected problems and items as soon as possible: it is better to improve the problems until this algorithm is sensitive on your site and checks the pages.

    • Google Penguin Algorithm


Google created The Penguin anti-spam algorithm to identify and reduce the ranking of sites that have created links in unnatural ways. Since the end of 2016, this search engine algorithm has become part of Google’s core algorithm because it runs in real-time. Violating sites are detected and penalized faster, reducing recovery time.

The things that this algorithm checks are:

  • Backlinks from low-quality and spam sites
  • Backlinks from sites created for link building (PBN)
  • Backlinks from sites with unrelated content
  • Paid links
  • Links with anchor text are over-optimized

Of course, you should note that this search engine algorithm also examines web pages in terms of keyword stuffing.

Optimization for Penguin algorithm

Always keep an eye on your site’s link growth: Google will never penalize a site for having one or two spam links, but having many non-original backlinks can be problematic.

Get rid of harmful links: Ideally, you should ask the web admins of the link-building sites to remove your spam links. If the webmasters do not respond or the number of harmful links is high, you can use the Google Disavow tool. Disavowing links means that you tell Google to ignore these links when evaluating the site’s links.

    • Google Hummingbird Algorithm


The HummingBird algorithm interprets search queries (significantly larger and conversational queries).This search engine algorithm is high-speed and accurate. It recognizes synonyms of words to some extent and helps Google provide results closer to what the user wants (and not necessarily including the keyword of the search term).

Although the keyword of the search term is critical, Hummingbird can provide better and more relevant results to the user with the help of Google’s knowledge graph (The Knowledge Graph) and semantic search. In fact, by using this search engine algorithm, instead of listing the results containing the keyword, Google shows the results that are semantically close to the search term in the SERP results.

The things that this algorithm checks are:

  •  Targeting a keyword
  •  Overuse of keywords

Optimization for the hummingbird algorithm

Broaden your keyword research: Given the performance of Hummingbird, it’s a good idea to focus on related searches, synonyms, and terms to diversify your content rather than relying on short and specific keywords. 

Know the language of your audience: A great way is to use tools to identify your keywords, such as brand names, competitors, industry terms, etc., on social networks and a larger scale, on the web, and check how your audience is talking about them. 

Instead of trying to match keywords perfectly, consider the concepts: unnatural phrases are still used in website content, especially in titles and meta descriptions, but as search engines grow in natural language processing, this can become a problem.

Do not use robots to create a content:

If you are one of this category and you use language like robot language for the content of your site pages, please stop! Using keywords in the title and description is very important, but ensure that the content’s author looks like a human, not a robot! Improving the title and meta description will undoubtedly attract users and, as a result, increase the site’s click rate.

Use standard markup (Schema): Schema is a series of data and instructions added to the website code to mark the content and specify the essential parts. In this way, Google will have a better understanding of the page’s content.

    • Google Pigeon Algorithm


It must have happened to you to look for the nearest store, hospital, restaurant. Since Google’s goal is to provide the best results to users and to satisfy them as much as possible, it has presented the Pigeon algorithm.

This search engine algorithm attempts to personalize search results by examining the user’s search term and providing the best and closest results if the user’s location is involved or related to a local business. The Pigeon algorithm uses location and distance as crucial factors in ranking results and significantly impacts Local Seo.

The things that this algorithm examines are:

  • Poorly optimized pages
  • Improper setup of Google My Business page
  • Name, address, phone number (NAP) mismatch
  • Lack of documentation in local directories (if necessary)

Optimization for pigeon algorithm

Register your business information in Google Map: The pigeon algorithm has more integrated the search engine and Google map. One of the crucial factors for ranking and displaying your site based on location is Google’s correct understanding of your business location.

On the other hand, in this way, users can express their opinions about your business, which is one of the critical and influential factors in local SEO.

Be careful that your name, address, and phone number (NAP) list on the site: Google will look at the website you have linked to through the information recorded in the Google map, and if matched, the name, address, and phone number. You have done your work correctly.

Register your site in local directories: Directory sites list businesses in different regions and cities. These sites have grown significantly with the advent of the pigeon algorithm.

    • Google’s Mobilegeddon Algorithm


The number of people using mobile phones for internet searches is increasing yearly. According to published statistics, 52.2% of a website’s traffic belongs to mobile devices, and, naturally, Google pays special attention to mobile users.

The Mobilegeddon algorithm, or the purpose of checking whether web pages are optimized for ranking on mobile devices and are so-called mobile friendly, was created.

Pages that are not optimized for mobile will suffer a drop in rank. This search engine algorithm does not affect desktop searches. 

The critical point here is that Mobilegeddon is a page-level algorithm, meaning that one website page may rank well and others may not.

This algorithm considers the following:

  • No mobile version of the page
  • Improper configuration of page appearance
  • Illegal content
  • Use the plugin

Optimization for Mobilegeddon algorithm

The design of your site should be reactive or responsive: make sure your site is displayed correctly on all types of screens.

Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test Tool: You must meet Google’s mobile-friendly criteria to rank well in mobile search results.

Get help from site speed testing tools: One of the most important factors for mobile users is page loading speed.

    • Google’s RankBrain Algorithm


The RankBrain algorithm is a machine learning system that helps Google understand the meaning of a search term to provide better and more relevant results.

This search engine algorithm is like the hummingbird algorithm but more advanced. Like humans, the RankBrain algorithm learns over time from the experiences it acquires and performs better. According to search engine algorithm, this search engine algorithm is the third most important and influential factor in ranking sites.

So just as it has a query processing component, it also has a ranking component. The noteworthy point is that this search engine algorithm can probably summarize a page’s content and evaluate the relevance of search results.

The RankBrain algorithm relies on traditional SEO factors such as links, on-page optimization, etc., but it also pays attention to other factors specific to each query. Identifies the relevant factors of the indexed and relevant pages and ranks the SERP results.

The things that the RankBrain algorithm checks are:

  • Absence of specific communication factors in each query
  • Poor user experience (UX)

Optimization for RankBrain algorithm

Improve user experience: RankBrain’s algorithm is constantly analyzing user behavior so that it can change accordingly. Use user experience factors in Google Analytics, such as click rate (CTR), bounce rate, and session duration.

Research regarding competitors’ performance: One of the tasks of the RankBrain algorithm is to identify the characteristics of web pages related to any specific query and use them to rank in the search results. 

Those features can be anything that has a positive impact on the user experience. For example, pages that have more content and attractive elements are more successful. Although there is no list of these features, you can get good results by reviewing and analyzing the standard features of competitors.

    • Google’s Blind Mouse Algorithm


Google created The blind mouse (Possum) algorithm to provide more quality and relevant results to the user based on the user’s location and the business’s physical address. This search engine algorithm collects recent changes in Google’s local ranking filter.

With the help of the Possum algorithm, Google offers more mixed results depending on the searcher’s location and the search term. In fact, the closer you are to a business in terms of location, the more likely it is to show up in local results.

The critical point is that this search engine algorithm also boosted businesses outside the city limits. In the past, the problem with local SEO was that businesses outside the city limits, even when they were active on keywords containing the city name, would still not appear in the city search results. After the blind mouse algorithm, many of these businesses significantly improved their local rankings.

In addition, businesses with the same address as other businesses in the same field will suffer a drop in Google results. In the past, google filtered them based on their phone number or similar website domain.

For example, consider a physical therapy center with a separate work profile registered for the center and each of the three physical therapists. These profiles are all linked to the same site and have the same contact number.

One or two would appear in local search results, and it would filter out the rest. With the blind mouse algorithm, many businesses were filtered due to having the same address and workgroup.

The things that the blind mouse algorithm examines are:

  • Having the same physical address as a business in the same industry
  • Competitors whose business location is closer to the user

Optimization for blind mouse algorithm

Track ranking based on a specific geographic location: the location you search is very effective in ranking.

Make a list of local keywords: The blind mouse algorithm will provide different search results for relatively similar keywords.

Summary Of Google Algorithms

search engine algorithm

Google algorithms are constantly changing and improving. This article introduced some important search engine algorithm and ways to optimize them. Now we know that the Panda algorithm focuses on the quality of the content. Penguin’s algorithm fights against illegal linking.

With the help of the hummingbird algorithm and semantic search, Google provides better and more relevant results to users. Pigeon and blind mouse algorithms consider the user and business location as a ranking factor and provide the closest and best results.

The Mobilegeddon algorithm examines sites based on whether they are compatible with mobile devices. The RankBrain algorithm is constantly learning and growing by analyzing user behavior with the help of artificial intelligence.

Each of these search engine algorithms helps Google in a way to achieve its goal of “providing the best answer to users.” Thank you for being with Digiwaremarketing until the end of this article.

Be sure to pay attention to Google’s algorithms when optimizing

One of the ways to succeed in SEO is to pay attention to search engine algorithm when optimizing your site. Try to consider algorithms as much as you can when optimizing. As discussed in the article What is SEO, SEO methods are very different, but you should use logical and moral methods. 

You should use methods to avoid Google errors. search engine algorithm detect most errors. Try to get as many points as possible from Google’s algorithms to improve your site’s ranking on the SERP pages. We suggest you read technical SEO articles and the impact of link building in SEO for better optimization of your site.

What do you think about search engine algorithm? To what extent do you pay attention to SEO algorithms
when optimizing? Share your thoughts with us below this post.



Why You Should Use Flutter Development?

If you are in the world of mobile programming, it is impossible not to hear the name flutter development. Now that you have come to the answer of what Flutter and its application in the mobile programming world is stay with DigiWaremarketing to fully understand this flutter development, and Let’s pay all the details.


IOS and Android share almost the same code base with similar UI representations and user experiences. And was the only reason the tech giant Google came up with Future of flutter app, one of the best cross-platform app development frameworks to date.

  click for Flutter development services 


You are somehow aware of this fantastic Framework. This Framework is nothing but the world-famous Flutter. One of the best features of Flutter is that anyone with basic knowledge can learn it, and this is due to the Dart programming language, which is optimized for fast applications on any platform.

What is The Flutter Development?

Flutter is a framework that Google unveiled in 2017. This Framework is an open-source UI framework that allows mobile programmers to create native applications with only the Dart programming language.

The Flutter framework is now growing at a fast and steady pace. Most flutter developers have shifted from single-platform application development frameworks to cross-platform application development frameworks.

This significant change has enabled flutter development to be a strong competitor to other SDKs/frameworks globally and has given new life and perspective to cross-platform mobile app development technology. Due to this change, Flutter now has a strong presence in the international market. Another cool thing about Flutter is that it’s an open-source SDK.

In the programming world now, it seems everyone is either talking about apps that use these specific technologies or comparing flutter development to React Native (one of Flutter’s strongest competitors). It’s easy to guess because both are somewhat “weird” to most software developers.

How does flutter work?


This Framework consists of two essential parts. Let’s examine these two parts together.

First part: software development package or SDK

SDK stands for Software Development Kit. The task of this section in flutter development is to provide tools to programmers for the development of mobile applications, a tool such as converting basic codes to converting code for native iOS and Android mobile devices.

Second part: UI library based on widgets

This section includes reusable UI elements such as buttons, sliders, texts, etc., that programmers can customize according to their project and taste.

Dart programming language is used in flutter development to develop mobile applications. Google introduced this programming language in 2011, and Google has been developing this language until now. Dart focuses on front-end development.

Flutter development key features during mobile app development

Apps built in Flutter are now widely known for minimal coding because flutter development comes with Hot Reload. This feature is handy for developers who are busy fixing bugs or trying out a new design. Flutter is a fantastic feature that lets you see the necessary changes in real-time.

In terms of performance, too, flutter development ranks much better than its native counterparts. Flutter uses Dart and helps developers create a first-class user experience.

The Flutter framework is excellent when working with Android and iOS platforms. This one-time encoding feature prevents you from maintaining two different files for the same result. In other words, write and compile a single piece of code and use it to create great high-performance apps for iOS and Android in no time.

Benefits of using the Flutter framework


Flutter’s increasing popularity has many reasons. The best way is to provide the fastest results. Software developers can quickly debug and test code. Meeting planned work deadlines, reducing related costs and other resources, and efforts in developing applications with flutter development are much less.

Seamless integration of Firebase and stunning 2D

Firebase is a popular BaaS (Backend-as-a-Service) platform for web and mobile application development. Similar to Flutter, it is also developed solely by Google. Google took exceptional care when creating Flutter and integrated Firebase with the Flutter SDK. As a result, services such as data and web analytics, crash and bug reporting, and database management became much easier for flutter developers.

Suppose you are looking for a platform to help you create interactive animations. Flutter is the best choice for you. Flutter comes with a 2D Flare perfect for interactive applications, animation, excellent user interfaces, and games. A master developer with advanced knowledge of Flutter can easily create incredible apps and solve many existing problems.

Countless open source packages

As mentioned earlier, Flutter is an open-source project supported by a dedicated community of developers worldwide who are ready to answer any questions quickly. It has several open-source packages that are freely available.

As a result, developers can choose which package or library to use without compromising critical functionality. Some of the best free packages are Frideos_flutter development, HTTP, shared_preferences, in_app_purchase, SQLite, Flutter ECommerce, Loading Animations, etc.

A single code-base for different platforms

We already had a glimpse of this Flutter feature. Flutter development is a hassle-free SDK to develop an app for various platforms like iOS, flutter development android, and Desktop. You can also have a web and embedded application using Flutter. All this is possible because of a single code-based feature.

Developers and mobile app development companies are always looking for a solution like Flutter SDK because it makes app development easy and reduces related costs and time. Flutter development is just that and does what an app developer wants.

Why did Flutter use the Dart programming language?


Flutter has used the Dart language to prevent its implementation problems. If you are familiar with the term Compiled Programming Language, you can easily understand that performance problems can occur due to the use of a translated language.

It is a JavaScript bridge that translates and compiles native code for Dart Flutter Ahead of Time.

Flutter Development Advantages

If you intend to learn flutter development and are looking for its features, in this complete section, we will review all the features of this Framework so that you can choose to continue without any doubts.

  • Minimal coding (time usage)

The most crucial factor for any programmer when working with a project is the time it takes to complete that project. Now, one of the good features of this Framework is that you have all the ready code at your disposal to design the most significant projects in the shortest possible time. And implement it and buy yourself a lot of time.

  • A world of widgets

In Flutter, you have access to a world of ready-made widgets that you can easily use in your projects.

  • Compatibility with all systems

In Flutter development, you can at least be confident that you will execute the programs made with fewer bugs and errors in all operating systems, and the project can be tested and executed in less time. The programs made with the system to be compatible in the future.

  • Flutter’s open text

Look at the community of programmers of this Framework on the internet. You will fully understand that in a short time, Flutter has managed to attract all the programmers and the flutter developer community. These people are essential in supporting and providing us with valuable documentation. The reason for all this is that Flutter is open source and free, and day by day, we will witness the growing community of Flutter programmers.

  • Native features

The programmer’s work to integrate third parties and APIs has been simplified. In Flutter, you can access the native features or SDK, and it is possible to reuse Kotlin and Swift languages ​​on Android and iOS.

  • Full documentation

Compared to its competitor React Native, Flutter development is ahead in general documentation. To understand this, check the website of these two competitors and see the examples of using codes in Flutter to use any general code, for example. And there are documents that the programmer can easily use the desired codes in his project.

  • The help of Hot reload

One of the excellent features of Flutter that all programmers have a lot of fun with maybe is the part the programmer can see the changes he makes in the mobile simulator in less than a second so that he does not need to spend a lot of time logging in. Go back to that page and restart the application; this feature may add up to two hours to your day.

Interest in programming and Flutter


The first condition for starting anything is to have an interest in the same work. If you want to learn Flutter, you will have challenges that you can overcome only by having an interest, and if you do not have this interest, your progress will take time and be complicated. And in this case, it is not worth spending time on.

Flutter job and income market

Flutter development has been able to find a good place among programmers and developers of mobile applications in a short time compared to its competitors, which makes many companies go to Flutter and a good job market for Flutter programmers.

The future of Flutter

Flutter development will have a perfect future because it is open source, there are many programmers community developing this Framework, it has many features, and it will add a robust framework to all its competitors. It can be said without a doubt that in the field, His work should be first in the next few years.

What do we need to know to learn Flutter?

If you don’t have experience developing mobile applications before, learning to work with object orientation and Dart programming language is necessary. There are many frameworks for developing mobile applications worldwide if you have experience working with one of these frameworks.

When you want to migrate from one Framework to another, you can easily do this; as a result, learning the Dart language is a priority.

What programs are developed with Flutter?


In this section, we will examine some big startups at the global level that are growing at high speed and using flutter development to develop their work.

  • Reflectively

This program is designed with artificial intelligence and has a beautiful and professional dashboard. The job of this program is to record people’s lifestyles, which is answered by asking them a new question every day, what to do.

  • Alibaba

Alibaba is a big e-commerce website worldwide, which has recently hired Flutter programmers for new changes in its work. So far, the changes that have been made have satisfied Alibaba users.

  • Google Ads

Google has completely changed the addvertising platform and used Flutter in its new version. This program shows you the changes of the moment and has a super professional dashboard and UI.

Other apps built with Flutter

  • Reflect
  • Post must – Instagram photo editing program
  • Groupon App
  • Hookle – social media management program
  • Hamilton Musical
  • Watermaniac
  • Cryptograph

Finally, why is it essential to choose the Flutter framework for cross-platform application development?

Quickly create dynamic and eye-catching user interfaces using widgets, layers, and interactivity.

The UI in flutter development comprises widgets (putting together small UI building elements) using composition.

Flutter takes care of rendering in pixels. flutter development ensures that widgets look the same on every mobile device. It also eliminates any potential device support issues. it is easy to design stunning UIs.

It’s easy to create mobile, desktop, and web apps using the same code base.

In the world, the offer of work in the Flutter development is increasing daily. 

Because you can quickly implement the programs you want with the best quality, and most importantly, Avoid wasting time on your projects, be triumphant and victorious.


Types of web development

In all disciplines that exist, different people play different roles in achieving the goals of development.  and this is especially true for types of web development, and all types of developers. For example, a developer focuses on a site’s appearance, and a developer focuses on its backend.

All kinds of developers and types of website development

You can see the types of developers and types of web development in the list below:

Types of web development services

  • Backend developer
  • Front-end Developer
  • Full Stack Web Developer
  • Desktop Developer
  • Mobile Developer
  • Graphics Programmer
  • Database Administrator
  • Data Scientist
  • DevOps/Site Reliability Engineer
  • Quality Assurance Developer
  • Client Relationship Management Developer
  • Embedded Developer

1. Backend Developer


A backend developer is a server-side developer that focuses on the logic of software systems. For example, these types of web development examine what makes a system work and improve it.

back end web development also design systems that process and store data and often perform complex algorithmic calculations in this process. A backend developer is the second most in-demand type after a full-stack developer.

The backend developer is usually proficient in one of the programming languages Java, C++, Python, PHP, C#, etc.

Also, a backend developer earns more on average than a front-end developer, even with the same experience level.

2. Front-end Developer

A front end web development, also known as a “client-side developer,” is responsible for creating, maintaining, and improving software user interfaces. When using a product or technology, most of us interact with the user interface that the front-end developer is tasked with developing.

They work with other types of web development languages such as JavaScript, CSS, and HTML programming languages and are familiar with front-end frameworks such as React, Angular, and jQuery.

3. Full Stack Web Developer


A full-stack developer uses the skill sets of backend and front-end developers. So they work on both the logic of the program and its user interface.

The salary of these types of web development and a full-stack developer is higher than front-end and backend developers, which makes sense because he knows more skills.

4. Desktop Developer

A desktop developer works on software that runs on desktop computers (PCs). These types of web development are designed to work on an operating system such as Windows, Apple OSX, or Linux. They have some of the same skills as backend developers.

About 10-15 years ago, the job market for desktop developers was more significant than it is today. However, there are still plenty of desktop developer job opportunities in this field of types of web development.

5. Mobile Developer


While desktop developers code for desktop computers, mobile developers code for iOS or Android operating systems, etc. Some mobile developers are primarily front-end developers who use mobile technologies, App development, and software languages rather than the web.

At the same time, others create standalone applications and systems like desktop developers. They mainly use languages specific to iOS devices and Android devices.

6. Graphics Programmer

Graphic programmers mainly work in video game production and special effects. Working on rendering, shading, and other visual effects, they create designs that create complex visuals in games, movies, TV shows, and other visual media.

Most have extensive mathematical knowledge and algorithms, artistic skills, and talents. Graphics programmers are generally proficient in programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, and C++. However, those who use specialized languages like Swift and Objective-C are more in demand.

7. Database Administrator


Database engineers create and manage the systems and applications that retrieve information from database storage. In some situations, database engineers manage data lines and focus on performance optimization. Their skill sets generally include SQL-based implementations. It may also include specific and advanced databases such as NoSQL.

8. Data Scientist

Data scientists use coding tools to transform large data sets into actionable information to draw conclusions and gain insights. Proficient in machine learning languages such as R and Python and tools such as Spark to perform statistical analysis and forecasting.

They usually have extensive knowledge of statistics. Given their average level of experience, data scientists are one of the highest-paid types of developers and are the fourth highest-paid group among our developers.

9. DevOps/Site Reliability Engineer


A DevOps engineer facilitates the application development process. They specifically focus on writing code that ensures a product enters production safely.

The duties of a DevOps engineer include creating processes, providing resources, and ensuring that an application’s infrastructure is resilient against potential viruses, database damage, bugs, and other problems down the road.

They are usually very familiar with cloud providers like AWS and Azure, tools like Spinnaker, Git implementations, and log management systems like Splunk.

10. Quality Assurance Developer

A quality assurance developer ensures that an application performs as expected. Specifically, it ensures that code written by other developers does not break the intended application.

He manually tests the code using the software to see if something goes wrong?! Many quality assurance developers still do this as part of their process. They may also write automated tests that simulate product usage and check for errors.

11. Client Relationship Management Developer

The customer relationship management developer straddles the line between computer engineering and sales. They focus on creating, customizing, and implementing enterprise software. Enterprise software generally falls into one of the following three categories:

  1. Customer relationship management systems
  2. Organizational resource planning systems
  3. Shared document storage systems

Customer Relationship Management Developers can be instrumental in improving sales and customer satisfaction by writing and implementing a specific type of business and customer management code.

12. Embedded Developer


Embedded developers differ from the other types of web development on this list because they work more on hardware than software, meaning they work on a hardware machine instead of writing code for systems and applications.

Embedded developers often use embedded microcontroller chips and operating systems. Sometimes it even codes on systems without an operating system.

In this article of digiwaremarketing, we talked about the types of programming languages and their tasks. We are waiting for your comments about what are 3 types of web developments?


Android App Development

What is Android programming and android app development: Today, almost all users use smartphones to meet their daily needs. With the popularity of smartphones among people, programming applications for the operating systems of these devices has become one of the most lucrative jobs. Due to this, many people have become interested in learning Android programming or android app development.

How to start with android app development

Maybe you have decided to take your first step to enter the android app development market, but you don’t know where to start! Also, many questions have formed in your mind, and you are looking for a suitable answer for them.

Questions such as what is Android programming and android app development, how is the Android job market, what are the prerequisites for android app development, etc. So if you want to know the answers to your questions, join us.

What is Android?

Android is an open-source operating system developed by Google based on the Linux kernel. The open-source of Android means its source code is available to the public. It means no need to get a license or spend money to use it.

Android’s open source makes its source code readily available to different users and developers worldwide. This feature allows Android to be reviewed and eventually upgraded by countless developers.

Due to the open source and other features of Android, the presence of this operating system is not limited to smartphones, and many devices such as tablets, refrigerators, watches, televisions, and other intelligent devices use it.

As mentioned, Android is developed based on the Linux kernel. Therefore, the Linux kernel processes such as memory optimization, communication of software parts with hardware, process management, etc.


One of the advantages of Android over other operating systems is flexibility. Based on this feature of android app development, programmers can develop applications that take advantage of smartphone features and power as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Of course, the flexibility of this operating system does not only mean that creators or developers can make changes to it. It means that Android does not impose any restrictions on its users. Therefore, they can customize their Android systems by installing different software.

These factors entered a new stage in the android app development industry. Due to these reasons, so they created many stores to offer mobile phone applications, including Google Play, App Store, etc. In these stores, many developers and companies offer different applications and earn money.

People’s acceptance of the services of these software has made their number be added daily. Many businesses have turned to android app development to provide more services to their customers and users.

Why android programming and android app development?

Have you ever wondered what the world would be like without smartphones? It will not be easy to imagine today’s world without smartphones.

Because the use of smartphones among people is increasing more and more, people are becoming more dependent on them daily.

Today, almost all users use smartphones to meet their daily needs. These needs include people’s most minor and everyday tasks, including shopping, requesting a taxi, communicating, doing financial affairs, etc.

Therefore, with the advent of smartphones, especially phones based on the Android operating system, a new and significant market was created for programmers and developers.


Gradually, with the increase in the use of these devices among people and the feeling of need for a different software, the mobile application market expanded daily and became very prosperous.

Based on this, android app development has become one of the most popular and lucrative branches of programming. So far, various operating systems such as Symbian, BadaOs, etc., have been provided for mobile phones, but they could not survive in competition with other operating systems.

The most important reason to learn android app development is its good job market in countries worldwide. After learning Android programming, you will never be unemployed and can earn money wherever you are.

Since its birth, the Android operating system has surpassed all its competitors in this field. This operating system has become the most widely used and popular smartphone operating system.

Android has acquired over 73% of the smartphone operating system market today. The iOS operating system is chasing Android with about 17% of this market. If we add other mobile devices, such as tablets, smart gadgets, etc., to these statistics, the difference between these two operating systems will be much more significant.

Based on this, Android has been recognized as the universal operating system for smartphones, tablets, gadgets, etc.

What is the history of Android?

In this part of the article, we will examine the history of Android to find out how this operating system was made. We will also see what changes Android has undergone to win the most popular smartphone operating system title.

In 2005, Google bought a small company called Android. This company was founded by Andy Rubin (Andrew E. Rubin) to build and develop mobile software. Andy Robin gave the Android company he founded in 2003 to Google for $50 million.

Of course, Robin’s work with this company was not over yet, because, after the company’s transfer to Google, he was appointed as the vice president of Google’s technical management.

Also, at Google, the task of managing the Android project was assigned to Robin. Perhaps at that time, Robin did not imagine that Android would become one of the most ubiquitous operating systems in the world.

Speculation about Google’s intention to enter the mobile communications market continued from 2006 until finally, in 2008, the first version of the Android operating system was presented to the company.

The first mobile phone that used the Android operating system was released on the market with the name HTC Dream. This version of Android did not support many of the default features found in smartphones today.


In 2009, Google had an intensive schedule for updating Android. Following this decision, Android was updated four times that year, releasing improved versions. The last version of Android released in 2009 was named Eclair.

Then, from 2010 to 2013, other updates such as Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Jelly Bean, and Ice Cream Sandwich were released.

With the release of these versions, many features were added to the Android operating system, such as performance optimization, multi-touch support, live positioning and routing, NFC technology, etc.

After the release of the fourth version of Android, Google decided to release only one version of Android every year and improve its performance and fix bugs during that year. Since 2009, different versions of the Android operating system have been released based on the name of candy or chocolate.

For the first time, the manager of the Android project proposed to name the versions of this operating system based on the names of sweets, and others liked his idea. Also, in 2013, Android developers announced they would cooperate with Nestle. For this reason, Android version 4.4 was named KitKat after one of the company’s famous chocolate brands.

In 2014, with the release of Android 5, this lovely operating system supported the ability to be implemented on televisions, intelligent gadgets, etc.


The head of the android app development department mentions this update as the most significant Android update. Because the realm of this operating system was no longer limited to use in smartphones.

With the release of this version, Android expanded its range of applications and became a general-purpose operating system. Also, in Android 5, a new style of user interface called Material Design was designed and implemented, which was very popular.

Android 6 was introduced in 2015 to reduce battery consumption, increase performance, and make it more intelligent. Google named this version of Android a week after the introduction of Nexus phones Marshmallow.

This version added features such as support for changing notification bar icons, Google now on tap, and fingerprint sensor support by default. The seventh version of the Android operating system, Nougat, was released in 2016. This version of Android supported new features such as the ability to split the screen and use two applications simultaneously.

In 2017, Android 8 was released as Oreo. In this version, support for picture-in-picture mode and optimization for devices with 1 GB of RAM was part of the new features of Android.

The latest version of the Android operating system is Android 9 or Pie, which was introduced in 2018. This version of Android has added handsome features in its user interface to provide a pleasant user experience and high artificial intelligence.

Where to start learning android app development?


Maybe the question is, how can I become an Android developer and create Android applications? It has happened to you too. In response to this question, we can say that you have to go through various challenges and steps to become a successful Android developer.

Ways to make money from Android programming and create android app
congratulations! You are going to build your Android software soon.

There are different ways to make money from Android programming and building an Android application. This article will examine three of the most common ways to make money from Android and know how much android app development costs.

The first way is to order the desired application design to programming companies or developers. The second way is to use ready-made application builders.

The process of working with them will be straightforward. The last method is coding and software development from the ground up, which requires expertise and experience compared to the previous methods.

What is the best way to learn the android app development?

Android development has performed so well these years that they used it from simple and mid-range phones to the latest smartphones.

Therefore, it can be said with great confidence that Android will continue to be the leader in this field of competition. Smartphone programming, especially the Android operating system, can be your launching pad to success because the future of Android and its developers is very bright.
In this article of digiwaremarketing, we tried to introduce you to Android programming and android app development


What Is Ios Development

IOS development: Apple provides tools for creating iOS apps and accessories. As an iOS developer, you can program in native languages such as Swift or Objective-C or you can build cross-platform native applications with React Native (JavaScript) or Xamarin.

There are several factors that software developers should consider before choosing a career path. One of the essential things is salary and career advancement. In terms of potential earnings, the 2019 IT and Skills Report tells us that software developers are among the highest-paid IT workers, with a global average salary of $84,763.

Among the developers who have chosen different fields and ios programming languages, iOS developers can earn up to $110,000 per year for ios development, depending on the background, country, and company they choose to work on it. In this article of digiwaremarketing we talk about ios development.

Who is an iOS developer, and what skills should he have for ios development?


By App Economy Forecast shows that mobile devices continue to be popular with the public, with nearly 6 billion mobile devices in use, representing a 56% increase over 2017.

More interestingly, Apple’s App Store subscribers have grown significantly compared to 2017. This sizeable commercial store’s transactions have reached 157 billion dollars.

So it’s no surprise that many people and even seasoned developers prefer to jump into ios development and go that route alone. There are several paths for those who choose a career path as an ios development, each with its advantages. However, this article will focus on the skills developers need. Of course, let us first answer the most basic question in this connection.

Ios developer meaning

An iOS developer deeply understands the iOS ecosystem and ios development. To be more precise, this person has complete information about the operation of various Apple devices such as iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. In short, iOS developers must understand how to build and customize apps within the iOS ecosystem and ios development.

How to become an iOS developer?

Typically, iOS developers are divided into three groups: beginner, intermediate, and advanced, each with a specific skill set of which a senior iOS developer naturally has the highest level of skills. However, to find a job as a developer in the labor market, you need to have enough information about the basic skills. Over time, as your level of knowledge and experience increases, you can go for intermediate and advanced level jobs. 

Ios development basics


As an iOS developer, look to learn the following skills for ios development and ios development basics:

Step 1: Learn swift programming

One of the essential skills an iOS app developer should have is the ability to program. An iOS developer should have enough knowledge about software development techniques, software engineering basics, and essential topics of the programming world.

Additionally, if you plan to introduce the app you are designing to other ecosystems, you should thoroughly research each ecosystem. For example, you can build iOS apps using your Java programming skills and use those same Java programming skills to develop in the Android app development, Mac, Linux, and Windows worlds.

Suppose you are facing time and budget constraints and anticipate that sooner or later, you may move from iOS development to other operating systems or ecosystems. In that case, it is better to focus on learning Java, which is used in almost all ecosystems.

However, suppose you love software development, have the time and budget, and believe that you will not leave the Mac and iOS ecosystem and will be loyal to the Mac in both backend and frontend or full-stack mode.


In that case, you should go to learn a specialized programming language. iOS means Swift Go. Of course, as you get more experienced, you can learn to build an iOS app that runs on Angular, which is part of the MEAN stack.

Although you can use various ios programming skills and tools for iOS development, the best choice is to focus on programming languages specifically designed for iOS and the Apple ecosystem. If you have no experience in the world of coding or want to focus on iOS and the Apple ecosystem, Swift should be your first choice.

The best way to learn Swift and iOS is to start with a comprehensive Swift and iOS basics program so you can progress from beginner to advanced. Unfortunately, most iOS developers often try to learn both Swift and iOS simultaneously but get confused and do not learn either technology properly.

Swift learning stages

So the best way to learn Swift is as follows:

1.learn basic concepts such as variables, numbers, strings, constants, and operators.

2.Next, go to Collections and see how you should work with dictionaries and arrays.

3.Next, read the instructions related to program flow control. For example, how for/while loops, if-else statements, and switches are constructed.

4.move on to learning types and interfaces. For example, how structures, methods, functions, protocols, extensions, and enumerations are defined.

5.In the end, learn object-oriented programming concepts such as inheritance, classes, polymorphism, etc.

Step 2: Learn the iOS operating system


After learning the Swift programming language, the next step is to study the broad iOS platform, which consists of various design patterns, frameworks, and other technologies. Even if you pursue a programming language other than Swift for iOS development, you still need to know how to work within the iOS ecosystem. 

As with any technology you want to master, it starts with learning the basics. Without learning the basics, you can’t use more interesting technologies like augmented reality and artificial intelligence to build applications or games. 

Most importantly, without learning the fundamentals, you don’t have the foundational knowledge to get hired or build the software you create to make people happy.

Basics of IOS

With that in mind, some of the basics you should learn about iOS include:

  • First, you need to understand the concept of Apple Developer

formerly called Apple Developer Connection or ADC. Apple Developer includes the resources you’ll need to write software for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.

Learn Xcode and Interface Builder in depth. Xcode is the integrated development environment (IDE) you need to develop software for iOS and other Apple software. You need a device running macOS to run Xcode. Interface Builder allows you to create iOS interfaces using a GUI (Graphical User Interface).

  • Learn how to use Auto Layout

The second thing you should know about is Auto Layout. Learn how to use Auto Layout in Xcode to create user interfaces for devices of different sizes.

  • Table views

Table views are the next thing you should think about learning. Table Views are critical UI component views that help you manage long scrolling lists in iOS apps.

  • learning are containers and storyboards

The following things you should think about learning are containers and storyboards. Containers help you create page navigation flow in your iOS app, while storyboards let you design and organize the navigation flow created using containers.

note: If all these concepts and tools are unfamiliar to you now, don’t worry. It is enough to start the learning process and read the articles in connection with different tools and design models to increase your knowledge of the concepts mentioned.

It’s also important to note that all of the above tools were (until recently) in UIKit, but have recently been replaced by SwiftUI, a new framework introduced at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2019. 

The Swift user interface and how some of these tools are used may change in the coming years, but applications based on existing tools are expected to be built without problems for at least the next two years.


Step 3: Expand your knowledge in other areas of software development for iOS


After you are familiar with how to code and the environment you use to build ios development and apps, expanding your knowledge in other areas will give your apps a more professional look. Knowing these areas will allow you to increase your skill level and eventually become an expert in ios development. 

There are many fields of learning that you can enter. Among the important topics that I suggest you focus on learning the following :

  • Database

ios development and most other modern apps require a database to store and retrieve data. Understanding how databases work (and the query languages used to manipulate data) are critical skills that will help you develop iOS apps.

  • Networking

Most modern iOS applications require data to be exchanged over the Internet, And means that an iOS developer must understand how the Internet and ios development works. 

Fortunately, iOS has made it easy for developers by providing an SDK with several APIs to perform networking tasks. In addition to APIs, you should learn about infrastructure technologies such as DNS, URLs, and other general network concepts.