
What Is Full Stack Web Development?

Who is a Full-Stack Developer? A Full Stack Developer is an engineer who works on both the server and client sides of the application. This type of developer, known as full stack web development, works on the backend, front-end, server, database, API, and version control systems.

The full stack web development translates the real user needs into the overall architecture and implements the new systems. A full-stack developer does not necessarily master all technologies. 

However, it is expected to work professionally on the server side as well as a client side. Also, understand what happens during website development. He should have a genuine interest in all software technologies.

Why full stack web developer?

Here are some essential reasons why you should hire a professional full stack web development:

  • The full stack web development helps you to run every part of the system smoothly.
  • A full stack web development can help all team members significantly reduce communication time and technical costs.
  • One person who plays different roles saves your company personnel, infrastructure, and operational costs.
  • Complete stack developer skills you need to know.

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Skill of full stack developer


  1. Front-end technology

A full stack web development must be proficient in the leading front-end technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Knowledge of third-party libraries such as jQuery, LESS, Angular, and ReactJS is required.

  1. Programming languages (Development Languages)

A full stack web development must know at least one server-side programming language, such as Java, Python, Ruby, .NET, etc.

  1. Database and cache

Knowledge of different DBMS technologies is another critical requirement of a full stack web development. For example, MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, and SQLServer databases are widely used for this purpose. Knowledge of storage mechanisms such as varnish, Memcached, and Redis is advantageous.

  1. Basic design ability

Design knowledge is also recommended to become a successful full stack web development. In addition, one should know the twenty principles of basic design and UI/UX design.

  1. Server

It is recommended to work with Apache or Nginx servers. A good background in Linux helps tremendously in managing servers.

  1. Version control system

A version control system allows full-stack developers to track all changes made to the codebase. Knowledge of Git helps full-stack developers understand how to get the latest code, update parts of the code, and make changes to other developers’ code without breaking the code.

  1. Working with API

Knowledge of web service or API is also essential for full stack web development and  full-stack developers. Knowledge of creating and using REST and SOAP is required.

8.Ability to write unit tests.

9.They must thoroughly understand automated test creation, documentation, and large-scale deployment processes.

10. It is essential to be aware of security knowledge because each layer has vulnerabilities.

11. Knowledge of algorithms and data structure is essential for full stack professional developers.

Who is the Java Full Stack developer?

Java Full Stack Developer is a developer who has deep expertise and knowledge about the frameworks and tools used in full stack Java development, such as Core Java, servlets, APIs, database, web architecture, etc. 

A full-stack Java developer can implement complete software using front-end, backend, database, APIs, server, and version control technologies.

What is Software Stack? Which stack should I learn?

A software stack is a collection of programs that produce a specific result. It consists of an operating system and its applications. For example, a smartphone software stack includes the operating system, the phone app, web browsers, and default apps.

The list of skillsets for a full stack web development engineer can be daunting. You should master the software suite based on your job goals, project, and company requirements. Below is a list of popular software stacks.

Regardless of the Stack you choose, you will find similarities in architecture and different designs in different Stacks.

1. LAMP Stack


LAMP is a widely used model for web service stacks. Its name “LAMP” stands for four open-source components:

  • L = Linux: Open source operating system
  • A = Apache: Popular web server software
  • M = MySQL: Large open source database
  • P = PHP: Server-side open source scripting language

The above components support each other. Many websites and web applications, such as Facebook, run on a LAMP stack.

2. MERN Stack


MERN is a collection of JavaScript-based technologies:

  • M = MongoDB: Popular NoSQL database
  • E = Express: A lightweight and portable web application framework
  • R = React: JavaScript library for building interfaces
  • N = Node.js: A JavaScript server-side runtime

This stack is currently in high demand as it is widely used for web application development.

3. MEAN Stack


MEAN stack application development is witnessing a growing trend of usage. MEAN in mean stack developer stands for:

  • M = MongoDB: NoSQL database
  • E = Express: A lightweight and portable web application framework
  • A = Angular.js: JavaScript library for developing web applications
  • N = Node.is: A JavaScript server-side runtime

What does a full-stack developer do?

As a Full Stack Developer, you may be involved in the following activities:

  1. Project management and customer coordination
  2. Write backend code in Ruby, Python, Java, and PHP languages.
  3. Writing optimized default HTML and JavaScript code
  4. Understanding, creating, and debugging queries related to database data
  5. Create test code to verify the application against the customer’s requirement.
  6. Monitoring the performance of web applications and infrastructure
  7. Web application troubleshooting with fast and accurate resolution

full stack web development Income

As a full-stack developer, you will likely earn $112,000 per year with full stack web development.


It is excellent to achieve high skills in many cases. But if to reach this level, you pass the skills training courses one after the other. It is the biggest mistake!

You can start learning in one field and become a professional in that field. With your mastery, take place in a dynamic team and start working in the best way and with creativity. 

Then, in the same field, become better every day than the day before. That in itself is an outstanding achievement. After some time, you can enter other fields and be active in them.

I know a lot of programmers who have gone into different topics in the past, learned something and moved on to the next thing. 

They forgot everything over time and did not use the learned sciences. It means that after spending so much time and entering different fields, you will not be skilled in a field, and your head will be left without a hat!

It doesn’t matter how many subjects you entered. What matters is which subjects or professions you have mastered.

The bottom line is don’t keep jumping from branch to branch to become a full stack. In whatever field you enter, spend time and keep trying. After reaching relative mastery, enter the next training.

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