
What Is The App Development?

With the advancement of technology every day, there are many different ways to application development. Tools like React Native and Flutter have provided us with many possibilities and have implemented new practices for developing applications and software development.

Why is so much talk about mobile app development in IT?

Mobile is the future of everything! From business to medicine, from the gaming world to every service we can imagine. Mobile app development conquers all industries.

In 2018, over 70% of web traffic was from mobile phones. Whereas in the previous year, in 2017, this number was 57%. No wonder mobile app development has taken a significant place for itself. In 2021, the world’s financial turnover of mobile apps was 3.6 trillion dollars, expected to increase to 188 billion dollars.

We look at the world of mobile app developers to get acquainted with its concept, discuss its importance, and see how the mobile app developer does their job.

What is mobile app development?

Mobile app development is writing software that works on mobile devices, including phones, tablets, and wearables. This concept goes beyond coding, including the strategic process of defining, designing, building, launching, or introducing a successful mobile product.

The ultimate goal is software that utilizes mobile hardware. New smartphones can use virtual reality, barcode scanning, and other mobile apps. you can check the make an app article.

What are the types of mobile applications?

Mobile app developers design a variety of native, hybrid, and HTML5 apps. Apps are now one of the most efficient parts of the business. 

1- Native Application

Native applications for a specific platform, such as Android or Ios development, are written using the software and language development tools that these platforms support. IOS uses Xcode and Objective-C, and Android uses Eclipses and Java. Developers often prefer the native app because of its ability to take full advantage of the phone.

As intelligent home tools become more widely used, developers are creating custom apps to create personalized experiences with wearables stuff, Internet of Things sensors, and bright screens. Of course, development for any platform is a costly and time-consuming process that does not fit the needs of all businesses.


2- HTML5 applications

These apps have a Write once, run anywhere (WORA) approach based on almost universal standards in web technology such as JavaScript and CSS. The apps in this framework are compatible with many platforms and require minor changes to integrate with any operating system.

HTML apps can send notifications to the desktop and communicate two-way via email. We should note that users use more native apps. Research has shown that users spend 90% of their time on mobile app development and 10% on search engines.


3- Hybrid Applications

Hybrid apps work like native apps and use standard web technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Hybrid applications cost less and are faster to produce than native applications.


4- Software Development Kits

Mobile app development requires access to software development kits (SDKs) to provide a simulated mobile environment for programmers. You do not need to use these kits fully to produce applications.

For example, mobile app developers can build mobile games using Unity and then the Android SDK to make sure they can be transferred to a mobile phone. App development for iOS requires a polite iOS development certificate, while the Android SDK is free for users. check the game programming

IOS and Android have a similar share of the mobile market. IOS 47% and Android 52%. But software development is easier for Apple, as there is no need to worry about the wide range of mobile phone models from different manufacturers.


5- Progressive Web Apps (PWA)


A progressive web application is a website that behaves like a mobile app. These apps are developed with web technologies, such as Facebook React. The advanced web application is adaptable and has a notification feature.

You can search These apps in the search engine.

6- Flutter

While Flutter’s development method is similar to React Native, Flutter does not use the JavaScript execution environment. On the contrary, Flutter tries to run everything in the form of native code, which ultimately makes the application’s performance much higher and takes less time to run.

The Basic App Development Process

Process-Of-Developing-a-Mobile app development

Apart from what app development is considered, the app development process will have several stages. We will do the work faster and more efficiently by dividing this process into different stages.

1- Idea of app development: In the time of brainstorming, to gather the idea of the app, take time to research and answer a few questions.

  • What problem is this application supposed to solve?
  • Who is the target audience?
  • What are the competitors, and what are their characteristics?

2- Design: The next step is to design the user interface (UI). The User should be able to work with the application efficiently.

3- Development: App codes are written and developed in this app development stage. An initial test is also performed.

4- Testing app development: Testing the application will determine the quality and possible defects, and the list of items that need improvement will be clarified.

5- Launch or product presentation: If the bug is not seen in the app and is ready to be presented, it will be presented in markets such as the App Store and Google Play.

6- Marketing: A marketing strategy is necessary to open the way for users to download the app. Such a strategy helps pave the way for user engagement by receiving feedback.

Tips on App Marketing


You should know that android app development is not something you can give up on to improve automatically. You should constantly monitor the number of downloads of the application by users and the overall performance of your application.

Once your app becomes an app store, it’s time to focus on improving your app marketing.
You can communicate with experts and critics of the application field, ask them to talk about your app development and its features, and give their opinion.

You can also offer free trial courses to users or even a percentage discount from the regular price. Additionally, you should write a brief and helpful description of what your app does in the app description section of the Play Store or other app download stores.

The essential points that you should observe in writing the description or About this app development section in the Play Store are:

  • The text tone in the application’s description should be understandable and simple for all users at any level of technical knowledge.
  • Avoid writing very long and tedious texts.
  • Determine who your target market is.
  • In each version of the update and development, identify the application’s new features.

App Development with digiware marketing

While mobile phone use is rising, many manufacturing, service, and entertainment businesses have turned to app development.

In this article of digiware marketing, you read what mobile app development is, the types of mobile app development methods, and finally, the development process.

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