
Types of web development

In all disciplines that exist, different people play different roles in achieving the goals of development.  and this is especially true for types of web development, and all types of developers. For example, a developer focuses on a site’s appearance, and a developer focuses on its backend.

All kinds of developers and types of website development

You can see the types of developers and types of web development in the list below:

Types of web development services

  • Backend developer
  • Front-end Developer
  • Full Stack Web Developer
  • Desktop Developer
  • Mobile Developer
  • Graphics Programmer
  • Database Administrator
  • Data Scientist
  • DevOps/Site Reliability Engineer
  • Quality Assurance Developer
  • Client Relationship Management Developer
  • Embedded Developer

1. Backend Developer


A backend developer is a server-side developer that focuses on the logic of software systems. For example, these types of web development examine what makes a system work and improve it.

back end web development also design systems that process and store data and often perform complex algorithmic calculations in this process. A backend developer is the second most in-demand type after a full-stack developer.

The backend developer is usually proficient in one of the programming languages Java, C++, Python, PHP, C#, etc.

Also, a backend developer earns more on average than a front-end developer, even with the same experience level.

2. Front-end Developer

A front end web development, also known as a “client-side developer,” is responsible for creating, maintaining, and improving software user interfaces. When using a product or technology, most of us interact with the user interface that the front-end developer is tasked with developing.

They work with other types of web development languages such as JavaScript, CSS, and HTML programming languages and are familiar with front-end frameworks such as React, Angular, and jQuery.

3. Full Stack Web Developer


A full-stack developer uses the skill sets of backend and front-end developers. So they work on both the logic of the program and its user interface.

The salary of these types of web development and a full-stack developer is higher than front-end and backend developers, which makes sense because he knows more skills.

4. Desktop Developer

A desktop developer works on software that runs on desktop computers (PCs). These types of web development are designed to work on an operating system such as Windows, Apple OSX, or Linux. They have some of the same skills as backend developers.

About 10-15 years ago, the job market for desktop developers was more significant than it is today. However, there are still plenty of desktop developer job opportunities in this field of types of web development.

5. Mobile Developer


While desktop developers code for desktop computers, mobile developers code for iOS or Android operating systems, etc. Some mobile developers are primarily front-end developers who use mobile technologies, App development, and software languages rather than the web.

At the same time, others create standalone applications and systems like desktop developers. They mainly use languages specific to iOS devices and Android devices.

6. Graphics Programmer

Graphic programmers mainly work in video game production and special effects. Working on rendering, shading, and other visual effects, they create designs that create complex visuals in games, movies, TV shows, and other visual media.

Most have extensive mathematical knowledge and algorithms, artistic skills, and talents. Graphics programmers are generally proficient in programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, and C++. However, those who use specialized languages like Swift and Objective-C are more in demand.

7. Database Administrator


Database engineers create and manage the systems and applications that retrieve information from database storage. In some situations, database engineers manage data lines and focus on performance optimization. Their skill sets generally include SQL-based implementations. It may also include specific and advanced databases such as NoSQL.

8. Data Scientist

Data scientists use coding tools to transform large data sets into actionable information to draw conclusions and gain insights. Proficient in machine learning languages such as R and Python and tools such as Spark to perform statistical analysis and forecasting.

They usually have extensive knowledge of statistics. Given their average level of experience, data scientists are one of the highest-paid types of developers and are the fourth highest-paid group among our developers.

9. DevOps/Site Reliability Engineer


A DevOps engineer facilitates the application development process. They specifically focus on writing code that ensures a product enters production safely.

The duties of a DevOps engineer include creating processes, providing resources, and ensuring that an application’s infrastructure is resilient against potential viruses, database damage, bugs, and other problems down the road.

They are usually very familiar with cloud providers like AWS and Azure, tools like Spinnaker, Git implementations, and log management systems like Splunk.

10. Quality Assurance Developer

A quality assurance developer ensures that an application performs as expected. Specifically, it ensures that code written by other developers does not break the intended application.

He manually tests the code using the software to see if something goes wrong?! Many quality assurance developers still do this as part of their process. They may also write automated tests that simulate product usage and check for errors.

11. Client Relationship Management Developer

The customer relationship management developer straddles the line between computer engineering and sales. They focus on creating, customizing, and implementing enterprise software. Enterprise software generally falls into one of the following three categories:

  1. Customer relationship management systems
  2. Organizational resource planning systems
  3. Shared document storage systems

Customer Relationship Management Developers can be instrumental in improving sales and customer satisfaction by writing and implementing a specific type of business and customer management code.

12. Embedded Developer


Embedded developers differ from the other types of web development on this list because they work more on hardware than software, meaning they work on a hardware machine instead of writing code for systems and applications.

Embedded developers often use embedded microcontroller chips and operating systems. Sometimes it even codes on systems without an operating system.

In this article of digiwaremarketing, we talked about the types of programming languages and their tasks. We are waiting for your comments about what are 3 types of web developments?

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