
Motion Graphics Vs Animation

What is the difference between motion graphics and animation?

In animated films, there is always a debate about motion graphics vs animation. If you haven’t entered this world yet, you don’t know the difference between the two. Usually, someone who is a motion graphic designer is mistaken for an animator, even if he has never entered the field of animation.

In many cases, motion graphics and animation can be used in a piece of content, especially in advertising. But to explain motion graphics vs animation, we need to consider the specific purpose of both. 

This term is correct, but it only blurs the distance between these two concepts. In motion graphics and animation, when a static image moves, it is called moving, although some fanatics have given it the movement’s name.

The difference between animation and motion graphics

Animation and motion graphics are frequently used in the media and entertainment industry. But there is a big difference between motion graphics and animation.

Why should we know the difference between animation and motion graphics?

Many people use animation instead of motion graphics and vice versa because they think both terms are the same.

Therefore, knowing motion graphics vs animation will help you create a suitable piece and teach you that these two disciplines are entirely different. 

One is the animation industry, and the other is the motion graphics industry. And although both departments work in the same field, there are many differences in the artists’ skills.

What is animation?


Anyone who has ever watched a cartoon knows what animation is. Animation is any technique that distinguishes images from each other and plays them continuously. 

Animation is something that uses those artists to create different characters with a computer, and a story is formed using other artists such as text artists, lighting artists, design artists, etc.

In addition, the animation is made by placing a series of frames or images that create the illusion of movement. In today’s technology world, efficient workstations help artists produce high-quality and more realistic animations.

Animated films

Animated films are the result of directors’ imaginations. The most common examples of animation are the cartoons you used to watch as a child. Many award-winning animated films also feature in this category. They are made based on fictional roles and in a full studio.

Animations include real and unreal things. The technique used in such films is photographing the design. Or positioning the models to create the illusion of movement when the film is shown in sequence.

Animation can include the creation of a complete character and the surrounding scenes, special effects such as falling snow or flying are a more subtle example of animation used in the video. Animation is also produced in 2D or 3D form, like motion graphics. 

When this type of animated video is produced correctly, it can be interesting, emotional, and entertaining. Using animation is a great way to show your brand personality.

This type of video quickly attracts viewers and leads them to your brand. Additionally, animated video often encourages viewers to share what they’ve seen, making it easy to get noticed on social media channels.

Read about ux web design

Whats motion graphics?


motion graphics vs animation is a broad term usually used to define computer images that do not come from a 3D environment. Motion graphics includes various processes while producing images by artists’ live performance, such as typesetters, rotoscoping artists, final painters, key artists, etc.

Motion graphics vs animation is the process of putting animation into a live-action scene, that is, something that is shot using an actual location, camera, and actors.

Then it is processed using VFX techniques, and various effects are applied. A matte painting is a painting that represents a distant landscape or location that allows filmmakers to create the illusion of an environment that is imaginary in real life.

The truth is that motion graphics vs animation have a complicated relationship. Because “animators” and “motion graphic designers” tend to use similar tools such as Adobe After Effects, Maya and Photoshop, and MAXON Cinema 4D.

Motion graphics are often referred to as motion graphics. At the heart of motion graphics are two main elements: graphic design and information. First, static graphics are created. These graphics are then animated to tell a specific story.

Other words can also be added to convey more information. The result is an adorable video that facilitates understanding. This informational video is suitable for conveying capabilities, data, and statistics. motion graphics vs animation have given a new flavor to lectures and conferences and made them lively.

3D motion graphics

3D motion graphics is ideal for those situations where 2D motion graphics are not enough. Remember that 3D motion graphics require more complexity, and only designers with high technical skills can create it. However, the result is excellent.

What is Common between the two concepts of motion graphics and animation?

let’s see what these two terms mean. Both motion graphics and animation are art forms in which objects or characters move. motion graphics vs animation are the art of drawing a static image and bringing it to life.

  • Both of these arts use a type of software to achieve the results they need; In addition, motion graphics and animation follow the twelve principles of animation.

These principles provide a set of visual rules that help artists bring things to life. From bouncing to rolling to jumping, these twelve principles are the twelve basic principles used to bring things to life. It can be said that motion graphics and animation complement each other.

  1. motion graphics vs animation ;Story aspect


The best way to explain motion graphics vs animation is to know them through the stories they tell. In general, the animation is a visual representation of a story and includes various characters that act in it.

These stories can be short animation, full Disney animation, or just animated characters that narrate a story. Motion graphics is more about bringing life to something that doesn’t exist.

Another use of motion graphics is to explain the process. For example, producing the product and then sending it to the customers.

2. motion graphics vs animation: motion graphics is more related to the work of graphic designers, while animation is more like the illustration. 

Graphic designers explain a concept through images, and motion graphics designers do the same with moving images. Illustrators create a visual story, and animators give life to the story.

The basics

Before we explain motion graphics vs animation, we should say that everything we discuss here is an “animation.” Animation is “manipulating electronic images using a computer to create moving images.” 

A graphic is “a piece of digital video or animation that creates the illusion of movement or circulation in the viewer.” So, while motion graphics is a type of animation, both processes are somewhat different in creating the final product.

1. Business objectives

Before using one of these services, you must know what you want from your video. Not only will this help designers in the creative production process, but it will also prevent you from wasting your time. 

You need to know that the four main business goals of explaining, educating, selling, and communicating can be achieved using motion graphics and animation.


You can easily use all kinds of animations if you need a complex idea for your company or product structure. Motion graphics are perfect for adding fields such as names, services, statistics, and product specifications.



Animation and especially motion graphics are excellent tools for teaching. There is no better way to understand a difficult or unpleasant subject excitingly and memorably than using moving images.


The beauty of animation is that watching it is fun and attractive for the viewer. Therefore, it can be used in marketing and easily attract consumers’ attention to the desired topic.


Simple and complex animation and motion graphics present information clearly and memorably. Even you will remember the results of the gross profit margin for the last three months better.

What is an essential element of a good motion graphic?

The most critical element of a good motion graphic is correct information. In the best case, this will become a kind of index for your motion graphics by adding a resource link on the same page.

How is motion graphics made?

One of the reasons why motion graphics are so popular is that they are relatively easier to create compared to other types of video content, such as advertisements.

What is the term moving?


In motion graphics and animation, when a static image moves, it is called moving, although some fanatics have given it the movement’s name.

How do motion graphics and animation complement each other?

motion graphics vs animation is the process of putting animation into a live-action scene, that is, something that is shot using an actual location, camera, and actors.

Order motion graphics and animation

In this article of motion graphics vs animation, we can express the difference between motion graphics and animation in terms of construction and how to use them. 

Animation is something in which artisans create an existing character by showing a story by various artists such as lighting artists and other professionals. 

Still, motion graphics vs animation are handled with different visual elements and effects and other symbolic or potentially non-glamorous setups by the artisans of the field, such as matte painters and rotoscoping specialists, etc. 

If you are planning to order and don’t know motion graphics vs animation to advertise your business, use the free advice of digiwaremarketing experts.


Social Media Marketing Agency

social media marketing agency: If you have ever started an internet business, you have probably seen social media’s incredible impact on your online business. Today, many internet businesses introduce their products and services using different marketing methods, both traditional and digital.

What is social media marketing or SMM?

Social Media Marketing is a digital marketing method that uses social networks, platforms, and websites to promote brands or products. Usually, this type of advertising is also referred to as social network marketing.

In our social media marketing agency, the marketer communicates with the audience and customers using his skills and online platforms. In addition to receiving criticisms and suggestions, he fully introduces his products and services.

Social media is one of digital marketing services that allows marketers to connect and engage potential customers where they are at: LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, With a strong social media strategy and the ability to create engaging content, marketers can engage their audience.

Social Media Platforms


It is interesting to know that, according to experts and analysts, social media campaign or social networks, before being considered technology, are more related to the sciences of sociology and psychology. 

In today’s world, more than 3 billion people use social networks, which means there is a golden marketing opportunity. Next, we will tell you about virtual digital and social media marketing platforms.

1. Facebook

According to the statistics in 2019, there are more than 2.4 billion monthly active users on Facebook social networks. Many businesses use this platform, such as e-commerce, banking, entertainment, fashion and clothing, real estate, health and wellness, sports, etc.

2. Instagram


One of the best and most popular platforms among social networks is Instagram. Many businesses and social media marketing agency in the country have opened accounts on this social network for marketing, and of course, they have received a lot of profit. 

This network has more than 1 billion users per month. Various industries produce valuable content and share it in this network to introduce their products and brands.

In addition to marketing, many online businesses use this platform as their virtual store and sell their products this way.

3. Twitter

Another popular network among users is Twitter. One hundred twenty-six million users visit this network daily. Industries such as retail, health, telecommunications, entertainment, etc., use this network for marketing. On Twitter, you can share your opinions and suggestions in the format of 280 characters and introduce your brand to users and publicize your advertising content.

4. LinkedIn


This network has 675 million monthly active users, and usually, the age group of 25 to 45 years works in it. The use of this network is usually in the way that active professionals in different fields introduce themselves on the LinkedIn social network. Usually, direct sales are not made in this network, and advertising and familiarization are done.

5. YouTube

You can publish videos related to your business on the YouTube social network In collaboration with social media marketing agency. In simpler terms, almost any industry can use this medium for marketing. 

This platform is considered one of the best things for social media marketing. If you can publish professional videos related to your business in this space, you will conclude that YouTube can be effective in attracting customers.

6. Pinterest


Another social media that provides all the facilities you need for social media marketing is Pinterest. We cannot ignore its significant effect on advertising and branding. According to recent statistics, 367 million users are active monthly on this platform, providing a very suitable and ideal space for publishing images.

Benefits of social media marketing

Social media marketing is one of the most common and effective types of marketing. The innumerable advantages of this marketing method have made the social media market hot, and different businesses have had unique experiences with social media marketing. 

Benefits-of-social-media-marketing in social media marketing agency

Next, we will tell you the benefits of social media marketing in social media marketing agency.

  • Access to a vast audience

One of the main reasons that have made social media marketing agency popular among business owners is that by using these media, they can reach a large number of target audiences. In this marketing method, you can communicate with millions of users and introduce your brand to them.

  • Easy Branding

Today, due to the use of social networks, branding will not be a difficult task. By being in these networks and producing valuable content, you can be known all over the country and sell your products and services. 

Also, by producing applicable content, you make the audience share it with their friends on social networks. As a result, the number of people who get to know your brand will increase significantly.

  • Optimal communication with customers

This marketing method allows social media marketing agency to communicate better and continuously with their customers. In face-to-face marketing, the customer cannot have 24/7 access to the desired business. But, social platforms always connect the audience and the marketer.

In addition to what has been said, other benefits of social media marketing agency can be mentioned, such as creative and user-friendly advertising, removal of geographic restrictions, increasing customer loyalty, and learning from competitors.

  • Removal of geographical restriction

As you know, this marketing method takes place in the form of social media. So when you introduce your products and services, people worldwide can see them, and if they want, they can buy from you. 


In social network marketing, there is no geographical limitation, and you can freely send your services and products anywhere on the planet.

  • Creative and user-friendly advertising

For example, if we want to compare the ads we see on Instagram with those on TV, we will conclude that social networks have more creativity. 

The attractiveness of advertisements that can be seen on Instagram and other networks is so high that it easily attracts the user’s attention and makes his mind curious to watch the teaser several times.

  • Increase customer loyalty

If the content you upload on your social media is of high enough quality, the audience will be interested in following you. When this happens, and the audience understands that they can get value from you, they will trust your brand and form loyalty.

Social Media Marketing Agency In the last term

In this article, we explained what social media marketing is and what power it can have in digital marketing . This social media marketing agency has many advantages over other methods, which is why it is prevalent among business owners today. We hope this article was helpful for you.

Which social platforms and social media marketing services do you use to promote your brand, product, or service? What other benefits do you think social media marketing has? Please share your valuable comments about social media marketing agency with us.


What Is Full Stack Web Development?

Who is a Full-Stack Developer? A Full Stack Developer is an engineer who works on both the server and client sides of the application. This type of developer, known as full stack web development, works on the backend, front-end, server, database, API, and version control systems.

The full stack web development translates the real user needs into the overall architecture and implements the new systems. A full-stack developer does not necessarily master all technologies. 

However, it is expected to work professionally on the server side as well as a client side. Also, understand what happens during website development. He should have a genuine interest in all software technologies.

Why full stack web developer?

Here are some essential reasons why you should hire a professional full stack web development:

  • The full stack web development helps you to run every part of the system smoothly.
  • A full stack web development can help all team members significantly reduce communication time and technical costs.
  • One person who plays different roles saves your company personnel, infrastructure, and operational costs.
  • Complete stack developer skills you need to know.

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Skill of full stack developer


  1. Front-end technology

A full stack web development must be proficient in the leading front-end technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Knowledge of third-party libraries such as jQuery, LESS, Angular, and ReactJS is required.

  1. Programming languages (Development Languages)

A full stack web development must know at least one server-side programming language, such as Java, Python, Ruby, .NET, etc.

  1. Database and cache

Knowledge of different DBMS technologies is another critical requirement of a full stack web development. For example, MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, and SQLServer databases are widely used for this purpose. Knowledge of storage mechanisms such as varnish, Memcached, and Redis is advantageous.

  1. Basic design ability

Design knowledge is also recommended to become a successful full stack web development. In addition, one should know the twenty principles of basic design and UI/UX design.

  1. Server

It is recommended to work with Apache or Nginx servers. A good background in Linux helps tremendously in managing servers.

  1. Version control system

A version control system allows full-stack developers to track all changes made to the codebase. Knowledge of Git helps full-stack developers understand how to get the latest code, update parts of the code, and make changes to other developers’ code without breaking the code.

  1. Working with API

Knowledge of web service or API is also essential for full stack web development and  full-stack developers. Knowledge of creating and using REST and SOAP is required.

8.Ability to write unit tests.

9.They must thoroughly understand automated test creation, documentation, and large-scale deployment processes.

10. It is essential to be aware of security knowledge because each layer has vulnerabilities.

11. Knowledge of algorithms and data structure is essential for full stack professional developers.

Who is the Java Full Stack developer?

Java Full Stack Developer is a developer who has deep expertise and knowledge about the frameworks and tools used in full stack Java development, such as Core Java, servlets, APIs, database, web architecture, etc. 

A full-stack Java developer can implement complete software using front-end, backend, database, APIs, server, and version control technologies.

What is Software Stack? Which stack should I learn?

A software stack is a collection of programs that produce a specific result. It consists of an operating system and its applications. For example, a smartphone software stack includes the operating system, the phone app, web browsers, and default apps.

The list of skillsets for a full stack web development engineer can be daunting. You should master the software suite based on your job goals, project, and company requirements. Below is a list of popular software stacks.

Regardless of the Stack you choose, you will find similarities in architecture and different designs in different Stacks.

1. LAMP Stack


LAMP is a widely used model for web service stacks. Its name “LAMP” stands for four open-source components:

  • L = Linux: Open source operating system
  • A = Apache: Popular web server software
  • M = MySQL: Large open source database
  • P = PHP: Server-side open source scripting language

The above components support each other. Many websites and web applications, such as Facebook, run on a LAMP stack.

2. MERN Stack


MERN is a collection of JavaScript-based technologies:

  • M = MongoDB: Popular NoSQL database
  • E = Express: A lightweight and portable web application framework
  • R = React: JavaScript library for building interfaces
  • N = Node.js: A JavaScript server-side runtime

This stack is currently in high demand as it is widely used for web application development.

3. MEAN Stack


MEAN stack application development is witnessing a growing trend of usage. MEAN in mean stack developer stands for:

  • M = MongoDB: NoSQL database
  • E = Express: A lightweight and portable web application framework
  • A = Angular.js: JavaScript library for developing web applications
  • N = A JavaScript server-side runtime

What does a full-stack developer do?

As a Full Stack Developer, you may be involved in the following activities:

  1. Project management and customer coordination
  2. Write backend code in Ruby, Python, Java, and PHP languages.
  3. Writing optimized default HTML and JavaScript code
  4. Understanding, creating, and debugging queries related to database data
  5. Create test code to verify the application against the customer’s requirement.
  6. Monitoring the performance of web applications and infrastructure
  7. Web application troubleshooting with fast and accurate resolution

full stack web development Income

As a full-stack developer, you will likely earn $112,000 per year with full stack web development.


It is excellent to achieve high skills in many cases. But if to reach this level, you pass the skills training courses one after the other. It is the biggest mistake!

You can start learning in one field and become a professional in that field. With your mastery, take place in a dynamic team and start working in the best way and with creativity. 

Then, in the same field, become better every day than the day before. That in itself is an outstanding achievement. After some time, you can enter other fields and be active in them.

I know a lot of programmers who have gone into different topics in the past, learned something and moved on to the next thing. 

They forgot everything over time and did not use the learned sciences. It means that after spending so much time and entering different fields, you will not be skilled in a field, and your head will be left without a hat!

It doesn’t matter how many subjects you entered. What matters is which subjects or professions you have mastered.

The bottom line is don’t keep jumping from branch to branch to become a full stack. In whatever field you enter, spend time and keep trying. After reaching relative mastery, enter the next training.


What Is Back End Web Development

back end web development: If you have just stepped into the wide world of programming, you must know what programming is, but you may not be familiar with some terms in this field. 

In general, programmers and web developers are divided into back end web development and front-end. This article will thoroughly explain backend languages and help you become a professional backend developer.

What is Back End?

The back end web development is a part of a website development or software that users cannot see. In other words, the back end web development is a site’s brain responsible for logic control. 

The codes written in the back-end section are not directly connected to the system but are sent to the user’s browser through the server; That is why the back end web development is also called server-side programming.

Features of Server Site

1. Server-side programming languages are not understood by the browser and are not available to users.

2. The browser has no duty to read or receive codes. Instead, it displays the codes processed on the primary server side to the user.

3. Wherever there is a need for dynamic information, you should use the server-side languages.
As you know, there is the server side, the user side, or the client side. In short, wherever you interact with your user, there is a Client Side. User-side scripts are processed by the recipient or your system’s browser and have nothing to do with the supporting servers.

According to relevant experts, the back end web development of site is like a part of the iceberg hidden under the oceans, and the front-end site is the tip of the iceberg that everyone can see. 

Although the two parts of the server side and the user side differ, they are directly related to each other, and creating problems in each of them will cause problems in the performance of the site.

What is the difference between Front-End and Back-End?


As the previous section explains, back end web development is related to writing codes that the user cannot see. Still, front-end programming is precisely related to what the user sees after entering a site. And can interact with the desired site through it. 

The back end web development and front end are two opposites and, at the same time, complement each other in web programming.

Who is the backend developer?


In general, the back-end programmer is the one who codes the back end web development part of the website in such a way that the user cannot see it. This back end web development part is always running in the background and has a function similar to the Windows desktop. 

Back-end developers play a crucial role in web design and programming teams. You will get to know a back-end specialist in more detail.

What are the duties of the back end programmer?

As mentioned, back end web development tasks are essential in the web design team. In the following, you will briefly get to know their duties.

  • Database management and its creation and integration
  • Using back-end frameworks to build server-side software
  • Having sufficient knowledge about web server technologies
  • Integration of cloud computing
  • Familiarity with all types of operating systems
  • Maintenance of content management systems
  • Preventing system hacking and having enough information about security settings
  • Website data analysis
  • Integration of APIs

What are the skills of a backend developer?


Like all the behind-the-scenes agents of a film, the back-end specialist must be well-versed in his work and have the necessary skills in his specialty. In this way, what the user sees as a result of the work will be flawless.

  • Proficiency in the server-side programming language

Those who work in back end web development field must have sufficient command of at least one of the server-side programming languages. Also, it is better to have sufficient knowledge of the specialized topics of the desired programming language and thereby achieve the following results:

  1. Codes are written more securely.
  2. Codes will run faster.
  3. They will be able to write object-oriented programs.
  • Database

The coding of a back-end programmer becomes valuable when it can be used to connect to a database and store information on it; Therefore, the back-end specialist must also have the necessary skills in this field.

  • Logical and analytical mind

Someone active in the back end web development profession or entering this field must know he will face many challenges and issues. Solving these problems requires logical thinking and proper analysis. 

Of course, everyone doesn’t need to have this skill unconsciously and innately, but you can achieve this thinking with time and practice.

What are the backend programming languages?


There are many backend languages such as:

  • Java
  • PHP
  • Python
  • SQL
  • .NET
  • C#

but in the following section, we will introduce backend languages.

1. Java language

Many programmers have used this relatively old and popular language. One of the strengths and reasons for the popularity of this language is having a virtual machine that makes it easy to compile and run codes in systems.

2. PHP language

Undoubtedly, we can say that one of the most widely used server-side languages is PHP, which has played a role in creating 80% of websites. This language is generally used in programming software, setting cookies, and collecting data.

3. Python language


Currently, one of the severe competitors of Java and PHP languages is Python programming language. Its ease of learning and use has made it popular with many back-end programmers.

4. C# programming language

C # is another language that is used in the back end web development field. Among its features, we can mention this language’s modern, simple, component-oriented, object-oriented, logical, and efficient nature. About the history of C#, it was created by Microsoft in 2000. 

C# uses ASP.Net technology to create and design the site. It is good to know that #C has much to say in the world of programming today, although our country’s job market is scorching.

5. Perl programming language


Among the most critical features of this backend language is its fun. Perl is a multipurpose hybrid programming language that is fast and reliable simultaneously. You can use it in a wide variety of fields. The Perl language is used in military and artificial intelligence fields, industrial design, etc.

6. The Ruby language

The prominent and vital features of Ruby, another unique back-end language, are its open-text, object-oriented, and simplicity. Using this flexible language, you can create fast and free programs while also benefiting from the unique properties of object orientation.

7. Hack language

Hack can be considered as a counterpart of PHP, which was first introduced and used by Facebook. It is good to know that the main body of this language is very similar to PHP. 

Although this program was created to make Facebook more efficient, today, programmers can use it to design programs without bugs and with high efficiency.

8. SQL language


As we said in the previous sections, a back-end worker’s essential skill is the ability to work with databases. SQL is one of the most prominent languages for working with databases. This language was created to create databases and access their information. 

Therefore, those who deal with data mining or general data should be well versed in this language. Wherever there is a database, there is a SQL server. This language is usually the first choice of programmers to work with databases.

Is backend web development hard?

Insanely difficult. That’s a massive range of difficulty you’re dealing with. Yet, standard backend web development is usually very close to the super easy side.

Conclusion of Back-end web development

In this article, we tried to fully explain what back end web development is and how you can prepare to start working in this field. To become a professional back-end worker, you must be able to learn server-side programming languages and strengthen other required skills. 

In your opinion, what other skills do you need to learn to become a good programmer, apart from technical skills? Share your valuable comments with us.


What Is Front End Web Development

If you have researched the career path of programming and its branches and even seen job opportunities in this field, you will surely come across the term front end web development. Front-end programming is one of the branches of programming that, in simple words, focuses on the essential factors when visiting the site from the user side.

And front end web development is just the opposite of the backend programmer’s work behind the scenes designing a site and the entire developer’s work. The stack, which works on both the backend and the front end web development, is different.

What is front end developer?


Front-end programmers, also known as client-side programmers, use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript coding languages to design and build various elements and parts of a website. These elements include colors and text structure, images, tables and graphs, buttons, and different web pages. 

In short, the front-end programmer designs everything the user sees and interacts with on the website. The goal is that the user can quickly work with the website and have a good user experience. 

But this field has a challenge: the tools and techniques used in front end web development constantly change. And therefore, the programmer must constantly be aware of the latest changes and the correct way of programming in this field.

Today, due to users using different devices, website development has become a little more complicated, and therefore the designer has to consider all these factors in website design. They must ensure that the site displays correctly in different browsers, operating systems, and devices, which requires careful planning by the front-end developer.

The responsibilities of a front-end developer include

  1. Attention to user experience
  2. Website design using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript programming languages
  3. User interface design for websites
  4. Improve user interaction with the site in all browsers
  5. Website design for mobile version
  6. Collaborate with the SEO team to implement their requests
  7. Testing various site features and fixing any bugs.

What are the front end web development languages?


Most front-end developers spend most of their time working with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript programming languages. Flutter developers and full stack web development must be proficient in each of these languages to achieve their goals.

Front-end developers use HTML to lay out a website’s overall structure and content, CSS for formatting, and JavaScript for implementing complex features. Additionally, they may use AJAX (a combination of JavaScript and XML) to update certain parts of the website.

Front-end programmers may also use Python, Ruby, or PHP to communicate data easily with the backend website.

What are front end web development frameworks? 

They are CSS frameworks and packages having pre-written, standardized code in folders and files. They offer you a base to develop on while still enabling flexibility with the concluding design.

1. CSS language


CSS is a web programming language that helps programmers design a website’s formatting as well as its appearance in a user-friendly way. This programming language is also used to describe documents written in HTML or XML. 

CSS determines how elements should be placed next to each other in website design and in which formatting the user can have a better experience.

Using CSS, you can choose the text color, font style, paragraph spacing, how columns are sized and arranged, background images, website page background color, page layout, website display for different devices, and page sizes.

CSS isn’t tricky to learn, but since it’s such a complex language, it cannot be obvious. Learning the basics of CSS is not time-consuming at all. But still, if you want to master CSS, you must put in the time.

2. HTML language


HTML is the core of every website page. For website designers, knowing the HTML programming language is a necessity. Anyone who wants to start coding for website design should start by learning HTML, and luckily, it’s straightforward to learn.

HTML language is a markup programming language, and markup languages have similar functionality to website content tags. The difference is that HTML is used as a language to mark up different website elements. 

For example, HTML defines header, paragraph, image, etc. Each website page has a set of these HTML tags that represent the page’s overall content.

Using HTML, you can add titles to pages, format paragraphs, set line spacing, create lists, highlight text parts, create unique characters, add images to the page, create tables, and many other things.

3. JavaScript


JavaScript is a more complex language than HTML or CSS. Today, JavaScript is supported in all browsers and is used on almost every site to make it more powerful and improve performance.

JavaScript is a logic-based programming language that can be used to modify website content and improve user experience. JavaScript is used in things like call-to-action buttons, website graphics, and adding animation to the website. JavaScript can also be used to build mobile applications and create server-side applications.

The hardest part of programming is learning it, which is the case with JavaScript. But once you learn the basics, you can quickly become a pro in this language and use it in the front end web development.

The workplace of a front-end developer

High demand, job security, a reasonable programmer salary, and many more are some of the advantages you will face in this profession. Employers are looking for problem solvers, not just people who can code. They are looking for someone who can be vital in visual design, user experience, and troubleshooting.


The front-end developer is very flexible in terms of work location and time. People in this job can carry out projects remotely, and there are many options for hiring programmers.

How to become a front-end programmer?

The first step to choosing a job is to make sure that you are made for it. Although programming and its branches, such as front end web development, are money-making jobs, they have their difficulties and challenges, and you should see if you can deal with these challenges and difficulties or not.

The personality type of Front-end developers shows that these people are usually researchers, meaning they are curious and often like to be alone when they work, and no one will disturb them. They also have artistic taste and are creative, which means they use these two traits to design the user interface and look of the website.

If you have these qualities, you can consider working in this profession. If you want to hire as a front end web development in companies, follow the steps below:

1. Learn front end programming

To begin with, you should learn more about this field and how to work in it, and learn front end programming languages and front end web development. Still, suppose you want to have a degree from a university. 

In that case, you can think about getting a bachelor’s degree in information technology or computer engineering, but know that having a degree in programming is not mandatory.

To become a front end developer, you need an understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript programming languages. You can go for free and paid online courses to learn these languages.

Becoming a front end developer is not limited to learning front end web development and frameworks and different programming languages but also requires interaction, accepting responsibilities, doing tasks well, and soft skills.


2. Do your project

To enter the programming job market, you must have a project to present and build a work history for yourself. You can start working on your project and then go for internships and put them on your resume. Your skill in doing these projects can convince the employer to hire you.

3. Apply for corporate job positions

After completing the internships and training, it’s time to start looking for a job with your hands full. Front-end programmers must have at least one project experience for most companies and employers.

Programming job opportunities are abundant, and the future of programming is bright.

If you are interested in this field and have acquired the required skills, you can easily find the job you want.

Skills needed to become a front-end developer


Since front-end developers are one of the most critical people in website and application development, they must have a list of skills to perform well in this area.

The skills of a front-end developer include:

  • Be proficient in programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery
  • Understand server-side CSS.
  • Have experience working in graphic design programs (such as Adobe Illustrator).
  • Know the principles of SEO.
  • Have problem-solving skills.
  • Be skilled in communicating with team members, managers, and customers.
  • Know time management.

Front-end programmer job prospects

Overall, the future looks bright for anyone who wants to become a front-end developer. The latest studies predict that in many countries of the world, many companies will need front-end programmers, and currently, the labor market in this field is lacking in human resources.

front end web development challenges

The increase in Internet use, especially in the mobile field, means a greater need for user interfaces, which in turn demands front-end programming and front end web development skills. 

front end web development is a field whose growth rate and job opportunities are related to the popularity of the Internet. Of course, the use of the Internet is increasing day by day.

Final Word about front end web development

If you are interested in coding and designing websites and applications and have no problem working in programming teams, you can become a successful front-end developer.

In addition to skills, you should also increase your knowledge daily and keep yourself updated in this field because employers and organizations are looking for people with the latest knowledge in programming. You can also use the latest tools in this field. 

If you are a front-end developer and feel we have missed something in this article of front end web development, we will be happy if you share it with us in the comments section.


What Is Email Marketing Strategy

Email Marketing Strategy is one of the best and most affordable methods of communication and advertising for target audiences, which is especially effective for business and advertising communications. 

That is why our email inbox or spam section contains various promotional emails. But these days, many companies are trying to communicate with their audience in a targeted manner to have a higher conversion rate.

On the other hand, all advertising methods do not necessarily require huge costs. Many customers can be attracted by practical tools such as email blast and email marketing strategy, engaging content, special offers, and a suitable call (Call To Action).

Although various advertising tools have become ubiquitous online, many people still believe in email marketing strategy and that if you can use it properly, you can obtain good results. In this article of digiwaremarketing, we want to discuss what email marketing is and its benefits comprehensively.

What is email marketing?

Using email marketing strategy and sending messages to target audiences to attract new customers and maintain relationships with old customers is called email marketing strategy. The content of your message can include advertisements, valuable content, attractive and different discounts, offers, etc.

when to use email marketing

You can use email marketing strategy at any stage of your social media marketing agency and strategies, such as branding and brand awareness, buying persuasion, loyalty, customer retention, etc. The use of email has very high capacities. In many cases, we are unaware of them and cannot benefit from them properly.

It seems that before starting any topic, we should first look at the history of email marketing strategy and with what purpose it was formed. After knowing the preliminary topics, you can implement this marketing method’s advanced and professional parts well.

Email marketing benefits


Now it’s time to talk a little about the benefits of using this method after reviewing the history and see how different businesses can use the capacity of this practical tool. how email marketing helps business:

1- Good ROI

In today’s world, where various businesses are hardly willing to spend and, on the other hand, their hands are tied to spend a lot on advertising, the issue of return on investment is crucial. Managers are eager to see how much they get for their pay. 

One of the most important benefits of email marketing strategy is that it can be very effective and efficient if done professionally and correctly. This method has an excellent conversion rate and is relatively cost-effective.

 2- Immediate Effectiveness

Just send an email to your target audience and see its effects within minutes of sending the message. For example, if you are going to have an auction or a 24-hour special sale, you can make the most of email. email marketing strategy and its content can induce a sense of urgency and time constraints.

 3- Fast and affordable

Email is one of the fastest, easiest, and cheapest advertising tools that not only has a good ROI, but you can achieve incredible output at a reasonable cost and with the correct email list.

 4- Custom emails


as an email sender, customize your messages to get better output and increase conversion rates, but your audience and subscribers also have the right to choose what emails are sent to them.

 5- Analysis of customer behavior

edm marketing by email is one of the best tools for checking and analyzing the behavior of customers. You can find out which emails your audience opened, which messages appealed to them, which links they clicked, and which CTAs they reacted to.

 6- Easy start

The ease of use of email means that anyone can start their campaign with minimal training. On the other hand, there is no need for a professional team and a lot of money to start work. 

You can even use ready-made templates with text, photos, and videos. Of course, some Drag & Drop email services have simplified the work for beginner users.

 7- Direct message transfer

This method helps to convey the message directly and quickly to the target audience, So that not only will more of them open or even wait for your email and have a reasonable conversion rate. Email list segmentation works very well for businesses that have enough customer information.

 8- Content publishing platform

Email alone can be one of the good platforms for publishing content. You can send all or part of your content to your audience in an email and engage them more. Finally, with an attractive and practical CTA, you can ask them to do what you want.

Disadvantages of email marketing strategy


Marketing has many benefits, but no system can be flawless, and this tool is no exception. In this section, we will discuss some problems with this system.

  • spam

If you fail to target your audience or your email appropriately is filled with promotional content, recipients may delete your messages or mark them as spam. 

You have to concentrate so much that you can not only find the right audience but also prevent your email from being spammed and get a high CTR by providing the right and important content.

  •  Unsent emails

If you use bulk email services, sometimes your message may not reach its destination. In addition, if you use expressions like “free,” “must click,” and…, you should expect spamming or not reaching the audience.

  • Design problems

One of the principles of using email marketing strategy is that you must display the content of your message correctly on any device, and this issue forces some to use only text messages in their campaign, which is not attractive. Designing an attractive and professional email that you can display correctly on all screens is a difficult task.

What businesses use email marketing?

Many businesses use this tool, especially those with good information and interaction with the audience, and know that their email is opened and gets a good CTR. 

In addition, this method works very well for businesses that do not spend a lot on advertising and establishing a relationship with the audience, provided that they can reach their target audience.

email marketing strategy is also handy for businesses that have a good plan for customer retention.

Application of email marketing strategy – Email marketing services


Email marketing strategy is very widely used, and you can use it for various reasons. But these days, this method is used more than we will examine in a series of specific cases. 

Of course, we must remember that email marketing strategy does not mean directly selling a product through email. Among the applications, we can mention the following:

1- Welcoming new users

The first and most straightforward use of email is to welcome new users to the site or newsletter and thank them for being with you. In addition, you can also send them login information, access to certain sections, or other communication methods.

2- Sending an email newsletter

Many users will give you their email in exchange for a gift or regular and specialized content. You can also use this opportunity to strengthen your relationship with them and maintain it. In addition, you can send regular emails to the newsletter audience in which you have used text, designs, photos, videos, etc.

3- Information about new product or service

If you offer a new product or service soon, you can inform your audience about this news via email.

4- Sending purchase information

One of the most important times you can use email is when you email a customer with a receipt, invoice, and purchase details after purchase. Besides, if needed, you can also send them the link to the downloadable files. If you are smart, you can also include new purchase offers or related to the current purchase in your email.

5- Discounts and special offers

If you have a discount or special offers for a certain period or are running a unique advertising campaign, you can use this method to inform your audience. email marketing strategy helps to keep most of the audience informed. In addition, you can inform customers about the last chance to use these special conditions.

6- Notification of events

There may be a special event related to your business or that you are attending. Very easily and quickly, you can inform the audience about the event and even invite the audience by sending an email.

Email marketing training


email marketing strategy is a vast field, and its complete training is beyond the scope of this article. If we want to mention briefly, the way to do email marketing tips includes the following steps:

  • Step 1: Create a strategy

The starting point of any marketing is to create a proper strategy. Having a proper strategy, you can move forward with order and planning.

  •  Step 2: Get an email list.

You must have an email list to start a campaign. You can get this list from the lead generation process.

  •  Step 3: Choose the exemplary service

Some various institutions and companies help you. You have to do the necessary research to find exemplary service.

  •  Step 4: Design the email

Designing email and registration forms is an important stage of campaign implementation. These emails should be visually appealing and have a good email copywriting.

  •  Step 5: Automation of sending emails

You can set the email settings so that emails with valuable and helpful content will be sent to him after the contact is registered.

  •  Step 6: Data analysis

You should monitor and analyze the results of your campaign over time. For this purpose, you will need the following key performance indicators (KPIs). You should check these indicators carefully and correct them if you encounter a problem in your campaign.

  • Delivery report: it shows what percentage of subscribers received your email.
  • Email open rate: shows how many subscribers opened your email after receiving it.
  • Click-through rate: shows how many percent of subscribers clicked on the CTA button after reading the email.

Email marketing campaign by email marketing agency

This campaign is like any other advertising campaign and has its characteristics where you need to define goals, audience personas, content, posting time, budget, and KPIs.

In the first step, you need to determine your campaign goal. Are you looking to attract new leads, are you targeting previous customers, are you looking for more sales, are you considering a discount or a special offer for some time and.

The next step is the segmentation of the email list or segmentation, which is done based on the persona of our audience. In a simple sense, it means segmenting your target audience so that you can deliver the appropriate message to each group.


email marketing strategy is one of the best and most cost-effective means of communication and advertising that continues to work well even in today’s world with the emergence of new platforms. 

With the help of this method, you can communicate with your audience and customers permanently, keep them updated on the latest news, send them valuable and attractive content, and offer unique offers to your customers.

How much email marketing cost

Also, this email marketing strategy has a good return on investment; if you can identify your audience well, you can get a reasonable click rate. This cheap system can have a sound output for you if it is used professionally.


What are the Search engine advertising and Google ads?

Google ads: Google Advertising Methods and search engine advertising are essential topics in the business world. Each person has created a unique business according to their abilities. People who have been able to develop this business usually use Google AdWords to promote their business. This article will teach you what Google advertising is like and how to do search engine advertising. Stay with us.


Search engine marketing basics and Google AdWords?

First, we will talk about what Google ads are and what they are used for in search engine advertising, and how effective are google ads. As you know, Google is one of the world’s best and most famous search engines and launched The online advertising service of this company 19 years ago in 2000. 

Interestingly, 96% of Google’s income comes from search engine advertising. So Google is doing great in this matter that it has progressed so far! We will learn how the search engine advertising system works in the following.


What are Google ads or Google AdWords?



Google Ads is a system that users use to be seen. This item of search engine advertising is used to see businesses more and better. 

Their ads will be shown to people, and they will become customers. But maybe this question has occurred to you, why do we use this method, and why is it recommended? Using search engine advertising helps you have targeted ads.


You are showing your ads to customers who have the potential to buy from us, known as leads. Another method is to buy Google click ads, which is discussed in the article What are click ads? You can also use this method. The cost of Google click ads is also given in this article.


To whom are Google ads displayed?


One of the great features of this method is characterizing and categorizing contacts based on several criteria. These criteria are people’s age group, different interests, gender, location, type of device used (tablet, phone, computer, etc.), and remarketing. 


Remarketing means advertising to people who have already met you but have not bought. For example, you can ask Google to show you women aged 35-25 years.


Google ads, in what media? Google ads method



You should know that Google has two channels or networks; ads are displayed through these two. You have the option to display your ads on any of these platforms. These two networks are Google Display Network and Google Search Network. Advertising on the Google search network is better, and this method is usually used.


Introduction of Google Display Network: The Google search engine is comprehensive and enormous. More than two million different sites in this network provide an ideal space for advertising. Advertisements on these sites are in the form of text, videos, and banners.


Google Search Network: Google Search Network is a collection for searching the Internet. Millions of people use this network every day, and that’s why it’s a great space for advertising.


All kinds of Google advertising methods or related campaigns


You might ask, what does search engine advertising do with campaigning? A campaign is a set of items, including display time, location, costs, pricing, contacts, etc., used with a specific goal. Of course, the goal of advertising is also essential. First, determine your goals, such as sales, increasing site traffic, or any other item. According to your goal, you can choose your helpful campaign.


In this way, you can easily place your ad in the form of text in the Google search engine and attract audiences. Users search for keywords related to your business, and your ads are displayed for them. search related ads is also known as advertising campaign


1. Google Search Sites such as Google, Google Play, Google Shopping, and Google Maps

2. Google Search Partners sites such as Amazon


What kind of search engine advertising is possible on the Google search network?


1. Text ad: The ad’s text is written by you and displayed to users by searching for keywords.

2. Responsive search ad written by you and randomly displayed by Google.

3. Call-only ad that includes your contact information.


What campaigns use the Google Display Network?



Google display ads are displayed when a user is playing a game, checking their Gmail, or watching a specific video. In this way, the advertisement is shown to the audience before searching. These ads are displayed as follows:


1. Standard Display Campaign: With this type of campaign, you will be allowed to appear on all Google media.

2. Gmail Campaign: Gmail ads will be shown when you check your Gmail.

3. Display on related sites: banners, videos, etc., are displayed on sites that are coordinated and related to your business.

4. Display in related applications: Your ads will be shown in Google-related applications. So people will see your ads while playing or using those apps.

5. Display on YouTube: Ads are placed at the beginning of YouTube videos.

The critical point is that you can accurately specify the site, application, video, etc., and display advertisements.


What are the formats of Google Display Network ads?


1. Responsive display ads: The type and format of ads are created by Google according to the image of the page. Choose the text and image and leave the rest to Google.

2. Uploaded image ads: Images must be sent in PNG and JPG format. You should find out the size and format of videos and gifs at the time they are made.

3. Google advertising: Mobile application installation campaign (App Install Campaign)

With this method, you can increase the number of installations of your application. Do these ads on other apps, sites (such as YouTube), Google Play Store, etc. This ad is also displayed in Gmail. Pay your budget and leave the work to Google.

4. Google Chrome Ads: Video Campaign

You can display ads at the beginning of videos and in the form of various teasers. This method is effective and introduces products quickly. The payment method is per view of the videos.


Types of video ads



Skippable in-stream ads: These ads are displayed at the beginning, end, or middle of videos, and viewing them is optional for the user. He can see the ad or skip it.

Non-skippable in-stream ads: In this method, the audience has to watch the video until the end. In this case, the contacts will receive all the notifications. But the audience may be annoyed. So you only have to prepare it for 15 seconds.

Discovery ads: In this search engine advertising method, the user searches for words, and your ad will be among the displayed videos. Every click on the video will cost you.

Bumper ads: These short videos have a valuable and attractive message for the user, and their length is only 6 seconds. These videos are shown several times during a video.

Outstream ads: These videos are also displayed on mobile phones and can be seen on Google partner sites such as Amazon or various apps. They are displayed without sound, and their sound is played only at the user’s discretion.


Conclusion of search engine advertising


Thank you very much for being with us and introducing Google AdWords. It may happen to many people that what is the best thing to do with these interpretations? What is the best ad choice, and what should we do for search engine advertising? We offer you advertising on the Google search network. The reason is apparent!


Of course, video campaigns are helpful, and we can target these users for sales. But you can get great results by using ads on the first page of Google. Google advertising cost is different and is calculated based on dollars, dirhams, etc. 


You can purchase a Google AdWords account using various sites and Rivand colleagues’ help. Charging the Google AdWords account is done quickly, and you can use the features of Google AdWords.


We hope this article of digiwaremarketing has been helpful for you and that you have understood the best way to use Google AdWords and search engine advertising. Use cheap Google ads and search engine advertising agencies to improve your business through SEO advertising.


What are digital marketing services?

Digital Marketing services : As people gain more access to the Internet and its growing trend, so does marketing. Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place at the right time. Today, you have to target people who spend their time on the Internet. So offline marketing is no longer as effective as it used to be, and you have to take a new approach to digital marketing services.

What is Digital Marketing?

The term digital marketing has been referred to as a subset of marketing management and advertising management.

Neil Patel, who, according to Forbes magazine, is one of the top 10 digital marketers in the world, answers this question as follows:

Digital marketing is any type of marketing of products and services that is done through electronic devices.

Definition of Digital Marketing services

In other words, instead of providing a direct definition, it is better to know all of those techniques and tools that fall under the heading of digital marketing campaign.

Digital marketing includes all tools and activities used to market products and services in the digital context (web, Internet, mobile, or other digital marketing services).

Digital marketing tools or digital marketing services

The following are examples of digital marketing services that are expected to be dominated by a digital marketer:

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM) [Including Organic and Purchased Traffic]
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Content Marketing
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Strategy
  • Click-through ads (PPC)
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Banner Advertising and Native Advertising
  • e-mail marketing
  • Mobile marketing (or its old term: mobile advertising)
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Content production
  • Digital Viral Marketing

The list of digital marketing services sometimes includes targeted and customized advertising and Native Advertising.

But since these two titles are practically more pervasive and not all-inclusive (they can cover other options), we did not list them above.

1. Content Marketing


Digital content marketing is one of the best branches of digital marketing. Businesses usually market their products, services, or brands. By content marketing, you focus on enhancing your value through relevant and valuable content. Content marketing leads to results, increased trust, and brand awareness.

By publishing quality content, you introduce yourself as a reference in your field. Great content is also likely to be shared and referenced, increasing your reputation among customers and industry professionals.

In other words, content marketing is all about creating the content that your audience wants to see to influence their purchasing decisions, So good content should be the foundation of your digital marketing strategy.

Content marketing encompasses many different types of content. Blogs, videos, social media posts, e-books, brochures, infographics, case studies, etc., are all examples of popular types of content on the web.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

More than 90% of people’s online experiences start with a simple online search through search engines like Google for research, shopping, and entertainment.

When people look for products or services, they tend to go with anyone who ranks higher. With SEO, you can rank on the search engine results page (like Google) for your most relevant keywords and, in this way, reach a large number of potential buyers or consumers. Optimize your website with On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO and local seo solutions.

3. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)


Search engine marketing (or SEM) is often confused with SEO because both have similar titles. Both also deal with search engines like Google or Bing.

SEO helps marketers rank organically for their target keywords, while SEM helps increase website traffic through paid search engine advertising; That way, you have to pay for every click you get. The two most common SEM services are Bing Ads and Google AdWords.

4. Email Marketing of digital marketing services

email marketing strategy also can support other marketing goals, So it’s no surprise that 73% of B2B marketers say that email is their primary tool for generating leads and revenue.

Beyond generating leads and revenue, email has expanded to reach 3.9 billion users in 2020 and is expected to grow to 4.3 billion users in 2023, More than half the world’s population! For almost every $ 1 spent on email marketing, you can expect a $ 42 return on investment.

A collection of emails sent to customers helps build a relationship and building trust with them and, in many cases, leads to a purchase.

To make the most of this marketing channel, make a list of important events and days ahead and give your audience excellent suggestions.

5. Pay Per Click Advertising


Pay Per Click or PPC is a unique advertising model in which you only pay for the number of clicks you receive on your ad. As a result, the cost of your ads is commensurate with the total number of clicks users have placed on your ad. Due to this, the more clicks, the higher the cost. In click-through advertising, you receive clicks and pay according to the click-through price you set and in proportion to the budget, you set for your advertising.

When applied to SERP ads, PPC is under the umbrella of search engine marketing (SEM). Still, it can also spread to affiliate marketing (which we explain below) and advertising on other popular sites.

6. Network Marketing

Social Media Marketing (SMM), as its name implies, is all about using the power of content on these networks to market your business. Social media has dominated digital media over the past decade, attracting millions or even billions of users worldwide. Social media makes them a valuable source of increased traffic.

A successful social media marketing campaign is to create shareable (perhaps even viral) content. You can share your product or service posts directly in your profile or add social media sharing buttons to your website.

7. Marketing Automation


Marketing automation refers to software or programs that automate your core digital marketing services. Many marketing departments can automate repetitive tasks with types of web development that you would otherwise do manually .

8. Sponsored Content of digital marketing services

With sponsored content, you as a brand pay money to another company or entity to create and promote content that promotes your brand or service. One of the most popular types of sponsored content is Influencer Marketing. With this type of sponsored content, a brand supports an influencer in their industry to post company-related posts or videos on social media.

9. Online PR


To better understand public relations online, it can be compared to traditional public relations.

Online PR is the practice of covering online content with digital publications, blogs, and other content-based websites. Online PR is very similar to traditional PR but online.

The online world allows you to connect with different people on social networks without paying any money. Analyze your site with the help of customer analytics tools. Please find out why you should not buy them and make the necessary changes in your marketing campaigns.

10. Inbound Marketing

Introverted marketing is a way to grow your organization by building meaningful and lasting relationships with consumers, and potential customers. This method is about valuing and empowering customers to lead you to your marketing goals ultimately. Do not forget that you succeed when your customers succeed in something like shopping.

Introverted marketing consists of three steps:

  1. Attract: Attract the right people by publishing helpful content and providing valuable solutions and conversations that introduce you as a trusted consultant who wants to interact with people.
  2. Interaction: Provide insights and solutions that lead more people to buy.
  3. Support: Provide help and support to empower your customers to succeed in their purchases.

11. Affiliate Marketing


Affiliate marketing is one of the most lucrative types of digital marketing services, which involves partnering with an online retailer where you receive a commission for each sale or referral you enter. Affiliate Marketing will refer your products or services to a broader network of audiences through websites, social media platforms, blogs, or newsletters.

12. Mobile Marketing

The number of mobile phone users is increasing day by day, and this trend is expected to continue in the coming years. Smartphone users also spend 90 percent of their time using apps and games on their handsets, making mobile apps a lucrative marketing channel.

For this reason, it makes sense to offer promotional content only to mobile users. The customer experience can also be continuously improved, thanks to geolocation strategies that use mobile location information to make it easier for users to access products or digital marketing services.

Are the terms digital marketing and digital advertising synonymous?

The two terms are different, and the difference between the two areas is similar to the difference between advertising and marketing.

When we talk about digital marketing services, we mean understanding the market using digital tools and solving the problems and needs of the market through product design and supply. When we talk about digital advertising, it is assumed that we have a specific product, and we want to convey our message to the audience using digital tools.

Digital Marketing Services with DigiWare

The issues surrounding digital marketing are so broad that not all aspects of a single article can be covered in detail; However, in this article, we tried to acquaint you, with the principles and branches of digital marketing and some of its topics. I hope you have gained good information about this topic by reading digital marketing services article. If you have any questions, share them with us in the comments section.


What Is The App Development?

With the advancement of technology every day, there are many different ways to application development. Tools like React Native and Flutter have provided us with many possibilities and have implemented new practices for developing applications and software development.

Why is so much talk about mobile app development in IT?

Mobile is the future of everything! From business to medicine, from the gaming world to every service we can imagine. Mobile app development conquers all industries.

In 2018, over 70% of web traffic was from mobile phones. Whereas in the previous year, in 2017, this number was 57%. No wonder mobile app development has taken a significant place for itself. In 2021, the world’s financial turnover of mobile apps was 3.6 trillion dollars, expected to increase to 188 billion dollars.

We look at the world of mobile app developers to get acquainted with its concept, discuss its importance, and see how the mobile app developer does their job.

What is mobile app development?

Mobile app development is writing software that works on mobile devices, including phones, tablets, and wearables. This concept goes beyond coding, including the strategic process of defining, designing, building, launching, or introducing a successful mobile product.

The ultimate goal is software that utilizes mobile hardware. New smartphones can use virtual reality, barcode scanning, and other mobile apps. you can check the make an app article.

What are the types of mobile applications?

Mobile app developers design a variety of native, hybrid, and HTML5 apps. Apps are now one of the most efficient parts of the business. 

1- Native Application

Native applications for a specific platform, such as Android or Ios development, are written using the software and language development tools that these platforms support. IOS uses Xcode and Objective-C, and Android uses Eclipses and Java. Developers often prefer the native app because of its ability to take full advantage of the phone.

As intelligent home tools become more widely used, developers are creating custom apps to create personalized experiences with wearables stuff, Internet of Things sensors, and bright screens. Of course, development for any platform is a costly and time-consuming process that does not fit the needs of all businesses.


2- HTML5 applications

These apps have a Write once, run anywhere (WORA) approach based on almost universal standards in web technology such as JavaScript and CSS. The apps in this framework are compatible with many platforms and require minor changes to integrate with any operating system.

HTML apps can send notifications to the desktop and communicate two-way via email. We should note that users use more native apps. Research has shown that users spend 90% of their time on mobile app development and 10% on search engines.


3- Hybrid Applications

Hybrid apps work like native apps and use standard web technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Hybrid applications cost less and are faster to produce than native applications.


4- Software Development Kits

Mobile app development requires access to software development kits (SDKs) to provide a simulated mobile environment for programmers. You do not need to use these kits fully to produce applications.

For example, mobile app developers can build mobile games using Unity and then the Android SDK to make sure they can be transferred to a mobile phone. App development for iOS requires a polite iOS development certificate, while the Android SDK is free for users. check the game programming

IOS and Android have a similar share of the mobile market. IOS 47% and Android 52%. But software development is easier for Apple, as there is no need to worry about the wide range of mobile phone models from different manufacturers.


5- Progressive Web Apps (PWA)


A progressive web application is a website that behaves like a mobile app. These apps are developed with web technologies, such as Facebook React. The advanced web application is adaptable and has a notification feature.

You can search These apps in the search engine.

6- Flutter

While Flutter’s development method is similar to React Native, Flutter does not use the JavaScript execution environment. On the contrary, Flutter tries to run everything in the form of native code, which ultimately makes the application’s performance much higher and takes less time to run.

The Basic App Development Process

Process-Of-Developing-a-Mobile app development

Apart from what app development is considered, the app development process will have several stages. We will do the work faster and more efficiently by dividing this process into different stages.

1- Idea of app development: In the time of brainstorming, to gather the idea of the app, take time to research and answer a few questions.

  • What problem is this application supposed to solve?
  • Who is the target audience?
  • What are the competitors, and what are their characteristics?

2- Design: The next step is to design the user interface (UI). The User should be able to work with the application efficiently.

3- Development: App codes are written and developed in this app development stage. An initial test is also performed.

4- Testing app development: Testing the application will determine the quality and possible defects, and the list of items that need improvement will be clarified.

5- Launch or product presentation: If the bug is not seen in the app and is ready to be presented, it will be presented in markets such as the App Store and Google Play.

6- Marketing: A marketing strategy is necessary to open the way for users to download the app. Such a strategy helps pave the way for user engagement by receiving feedback.

Tips on App Marketing


You should know that android app development is not something you can give up on to improve automatically. You should constantly monitor the number of downloads of the application by users and the overall performance of your application.

Once your app becomes an app store, it’s time to focus on improving your app marketing.
You can communicate with experts and critics of the application field, ask them to talk about your app development and its features, and give their opinion.

You can also offer free trial courses to users or even a percentage discount from the regular price. Additionally, you should write a brief and helpful description of what your app does in the app description section of the Play Store or other app download stores.

The essential points that you should observe in writing the description or About this app development section in the Play Store are:

  • The text tone in the application’s description should be understandable and simple for all users at any level of technical knowledge.
  • Avoid writing very long and tedious texts.
  • Determine who your target market is.
  • In each version of the update and development, identify the application’s new features.

App Development with digiware marketing

While mobile phone use is rising, many manufacturing, service, and entertainment businesses have turned to app development.

In this article of digiware marketing, you read what mobile app development is, the types of mobile app development methods, and finally, the development process.


Best Benefits Of SEO

Here we have a list of the benefits of seo that will blow your mind. Most businesses use the Internet and make it one of the essential pillars of their marketing. These SEO benefits should cover the need to acquire Traditional and online work more than before.

Every business should invest in search engine optimization. One of the benefits of optimization and SEO is optimizing your website to maximize organic traffic from search engines, leading search engines like Google, YouTube, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

Advantages of Seo and how does seo help?

This article is a warning to all people who do not have an effective SEO strategy you will make a big mistake by not taking advantage of all the benefits of seo.

If your website is not optimized for search engines, you will lose a lot of profit daily.

Why do we need SEO?

If it were not for SEO, it would be almost impossible to find the websites and businesses we are looking for on the Internet, and we would not be able to find the information we get daily. SEO services helps people find the information they want in a few seconds.

Is SEO vital for all businesses?

If you are reading this article, you are probably wondering if SEO works for you or not. In answer, we should say that SEO is important for you if you have a website for your business. Because for all companies, whether big or small, SEO is one of the most critical factors to success.

What are the benefits of SEO that make it so popular?


More than 2 billion people are online, 93% of online activity is done on search engines, and website entries are through it, 40,000 searches per second and 3.5 billion per day.

There are millions of opportunities to find your services and business in search engines, one of the most important benefits of SEO is that your customers use search engines daily, which is one of the advantages and benefits of SEO.

How important is seo to a business

Users trust search engines. That’s why a high rank in a search engine like Google gives the searchers this signal that your site is a reliable source, and the higher you are on the pages, the more clicks and traffic you can get for the site and business.

All the advantages and benefits of SEO that are so important for business:

SEO has many advantages and benefits that have caused most companies to move in this direction. In the following, we will introduce you to the benefits of SEO and what are the benefits of search engine optimization:

1- increasing the quality of targeted traffic

One of the benefits of seo: Traffic in search engines is the best input to the site. Why? Because people are looking for a specific topic on the Internet, which can only be solved using search engines, you can drive traffic to your services and business. You don’t need to spend a lot of advertising to encourage people to buy.

2- The most conversion rate is in SEO

SEO traffic has a higher conversion rate than other traffic sources. You will develop your business position by positioning yourself in search engines to get more conversion rates.

3- SEO will increase sales and leads


providing the right product or satisfactory service can increase your sales. You should invest in the best SEO strategy. Your business will be on the path to higher conversion rates with the correct SEO choice.

4- SEO will reduce your cost for any business

Another benefits of seo is that it is “free,” and getting customers is much cheaper than advertising. The only cost in SEO is hiring the best SEO company if you have no experience in website coding and Google algorithms. You need a person or company with the necessary search engine optimization expertise.

5- SEO does not include any advertising costs

You won’t need to advertise if you have a strong SEO position. You can increase your website traffic without paying for each click.

An effective SEO strategy can save advertising costs and put it in the field.

6- Top ranks have no time limit

One of the benefits of seo: SEO is 24/7 and has no time limit; your rankings don’t disappear overnight, and you can increase your website traffic daily. When you rank high in search engines, so does your website traffic will increase.

7- SEO builds trust and credibility

People trust Google, they use it every day to find what they want, and with a high search engine ranking, your business builds trust and credibility with its audience. 37% of search engine clicks are on the first organic listing.

Most of the credibility of the pages comes from external linking, you can refer to the off page Seo checklist

8- SEO is a long-term strategy



SEO is a long-term strategy, it can take 6-12 months to see optimized rankings, but it only takes time to climb them. Once you are in top positions, you rarely go down. The only reason for this change is increased SEO competition or a change in Google’s algorithm.

9- Increases your customer information

One of the benefits of seo: Your customers use search engines for research; they use their findings to help them make informed decisions about available options. High SEO rankings allow you to educate potential customers, indirectly build trust, and, most importantly, help them make an informed decision.

10- SEO influences buyers’ decisions

SEO significantly influences buyers’ decisions due to the trust and credibility developed, as mentioned in the previous point. Use site SEO to substantially impact people’s purchasing decisions on the website to increase the conversion rate.

11- SEO increases the awareness and quality of your brand

One of the benefits of seo: SEO also builds your business brand. SEO helps people become aware of your brand. Understanding is fundamental because your website visitors may not always be ready to buy. However, by knowing about your offers, they may become your customers soon.

12- Raises or touches Jupiter

While your awareness is growing, SEO simultaneously increases your customer leads. The more traffic you get, the more likely they will buy from your business. A strong SEO ranking will help you grow your touch points with potential buyers.

13- SEO gets 90% more clicks than PPC

One of the benefits of seo: because organic SEO listings get 90% of the clicks. Many search engine users skip advertising links because it is most likely due to their trust in Google’s algorithm. Investing in SEO will probably get more traffic than advertisers on the exact keywords.

14- Seo can increase traffic to your website


One of the benefits of seo: SEO will increase your website traffic and get more traffic from search engines. Additionally, visitors are more likely to refer your website to their friends. With a strong SEO presence, they will refer to you, literally and figuratively.

15- SEO is measurable

The benefits of seo is Measurable SEO. You can measure your conversion rate and conversion source. 

You can also measure the progress of your website ranking and organic traffic. You can check your valuable keywords using the right (SEO) tools.

16- Drives offline sales

Do your customers do their research online before visiting your store? Yes, they do! Since most people do their research online, SEO also drives offline sales. They use search engines to research, but they may use your store to buy their products. Call and make a purchase. So, SEO helps offline sales a lot.

17- SEO is more cost-effective than advertising

Benefits of seo that SEO is more cost-effective than Google Ads. After reaching the top rank of search engines, you no longer have to pay for clicks from search engines (Google AdWords). Pause your ad campaigns with PPC and let them get more SEO ranking results.

18- SEO helps you gain market share

Gain market share by being first. Customers will never know about hundreds of other options if you are the first option. Unless, in some cases, they move to page 10 of Google. However, we know this will not happen. Why? Because 75% of users will never go beyond the first page of search results.

19- SEO helps you enter new markets


After optimizing your website, you can start targeting your website for other keywords. The keywords you choose can be new products or services you offer. To help you enter new markets, you can rely on search engines to drive qualified traffic to your latest offerings.

20- Increases the value of your business

As your SEO rankings increase, your business becomes more valuable. Suppose you’re in the market to sell your business. In that case, many buyers find a strong SEO ranking to be a valuable intangible asset which is likely because SEO rankings have maintained value and stability over the years.

21- SEO integrates all of your online marketing activities

Benefits of seo is that SEO is online marketing. All online marketing activities can somehow contribute to your SEO ranking. Web design, content marketing, social media services, and online advertising influence SEO. 

22- SEO improves your marketing ROI

As mentioned earlier, an integrated marketing campaign affects SEO rankings. Not only will this affect your SEO ranking, but your overall ROI will be higher than all your marketing activities.

23- SEO is the best page rank strategy

To rank high in search engines, you must have quality backlinks. Backlinks are links from external websites that link to your website, the more of these you have, and the more relevant your website is, the higher it will rank. Getting quality links may require advertising. The more ads you have, the more backlink opportunities you will have.

  • External SEO increases the credibility of your site with Google, and one of the main reasons and factors for improving external SEO is linking and backlink. A backlink (linking on an external site) from the point of view of Google search engines is the credibility of that site, and Even if there are more and more quality links on foreign sites, they will have a higher rank in the Google search engine.

24- Increase your social media followers


benefits of seo: SEO will increase your social media followers. Since your visitors are researching your website, they are more likely to follow you on social media.

25- SEO will increase your email newsletter subscribers

You can expect more subscribers as your rankings increase if you have an e-newsletter signup form on your website. Because you are exposing your website to more and more traffic. Create incentives on your website for people who subscribe to your email newsletter for optimal results.

26- SEO can double, triple, or quadruple your business

One of the significant benefits of SEO, search engines can double, triple, or quadruple your business. SEO exposes you to the entire market of people looking to find you. With an effective SEO strategy, you can expand your business in cities, provinces, countries, or other parts of the world. The world will become your customers with an effective site optimization strategy.

27- benefits of seo; SEO can help you attract talent

Job seekers also start their search on Google. You can optimize your website to rank on Google for the positions you create for them by investing in a strategy to avoid buying costs.


28- SEO is affordable

Search engines are more cost-effective than advertising to increase your conversion rate. the payoff is worth it once your website ranks number one on Google. It will get thousands of free hits to your website.

29- SEO is the most intelligent marketing investment you can make

The benefits of SEO are endless. SEO is the most intelligent marketing investment you can make. It’s a long-term asset to your business, drives traffic, leads, and sales, and doesn’t require advertising. Your customers are already searching for it on search engines like Google. If you want to grow your business without calling, networking, or other forms of advertising, invest in an SEO campaign today.

Google ads: Google Advertising Methods and search engine advertising are essential topics in the business world. Each person has created a unique business according to their abilities.

Why Is Seo Important

Today, there are many opportunities to achieve the goal on the Internet. SEO is one of these things that has many advantages. You can say that due to the advantages and benefits of SEO, SEO reduces advertising costs and forgets about traditional marketing methods. These benefits of search engine marketing are very important for business and bring many benefits to businesses.